Chapter 27: Championship

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Eren POV:

My injuries have finally healed and I'm ready for the tournament

Me and Shadis are both confident that I'll win the Wall Maria title but that doesn't mean we should underestimate my opponents

This will be the last time I'll be competing in the U9- U13s age group, next year I'll be U14- U17s

We've been training hard on getting my cardio even better than it already is so that I can really tire out my opponents

It's worked, I'm much fitter than I was before and I can feel it

I can't do anything more now, it's fight day

We get to the destination, me, my mum, dad, Mikasa and Annie

We wait around 10 minutes to see Shadis come with the rest of my team

We then walk into the hall, it's much bigger than the Shiganshina one and a lot grander

We walk through double doors to see we're in a reception area

Dark grey carpet layers the floor, along with white walls and ceiling, it gives off a very clean look

The reception is very modern, with the reception desk being mainly see through glass with a logo in the middle

'Wall Maria Championship Arena'

We walk up to the desk and they tell me to tick the box next to my name, they spelt it right

People always spell my surname with a 'Y' and it pisses me off

She then tells us to turn right at the end of the corridor and go through the first set of doors we see

We follow her instructions and open the door-

It was amazing

We were in the bottom right corner of the room

Opposite us was a huge oak board that read:

'Wall Maria U9- U13s Heavyweight Championship 2011'

I look further down to see the list of competitors. I search for a while finding my name in the middle of the list


James Lee
Joe Johnson
Eren Jaeger
Bertholdt Hoover'

Of course I'm next to him

I'll make sure I beat his ass when I face him

To the left of that is a tournament board with 9 fights on either side of it, left and right

The left side is called 'Round 1-A' and the left side is called 'Round 1-B'

They then show a line going to one winner which shows that winner facing another person all the way until the middle of the board under 'Final' where there are two empty squares for names to go

Above that board is a smaller one that says 'CHAMPION:_____________'

Obviously for when the champion is declared

Guess I'll be seeing my name up there in no time ;)

I check to see when I'm fighting:

Round 1-B: Fight slot 1: Eren Jaeger vs Idris Rova

I'm up as one of the first fights

There are 5 rings around the room so that 5 fights can happen at once

I'll be one of the first five

There's also a huge stand for the audience

It's probably 20ft high and stretches the whole of the room in width

I just keep moving forward Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora