Chapter 16: Milestones

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Announcer: "Eren Jaeger!"

My walk out song begins booming around the hall, there's atleast 1000 people in attendance for the final

I walk out in all white, my white robe has a phoenix on the back and I'm wearing huge funky sunglasses

On the back of my robe it says" This is fucking awesome"

'I'm gonna pop some tags only got twenty dollars in my pocket.
I, I, I'm hunting, looking for a come-up this is fucking awesome.
Nah walk up to the club like, what up, I got a big cock!
I'm just pumped, just bought some shit from the thrift shop
Ice on the fringe, it's so damn frosty
The people like, Damn! That's a cold ass honkey.
Rollin' in, hella deep, headin' to the mezzanine, dressed in all pink, 'cept my gator shoes, those are green'

As I walk out of the tunnel two flames on either side burst out of tubes, this is fucking sick

I start dancing and shit, I'm lapping this up. This is one of the best nights of my life

My mum is filming it, there's a group of girls, some I know, some I don't holding up signs





And loads of others, Mikasa and Annie are looking at them angrily

The crowd of girls don't care and I can hear Historia and Mina screaming from the group

Reiner, Bertholdt, Marco and Jean are in the crowd

I pull my robe apart to reveal a shit that says:


With a giant middle finger underneath

People start laughing and cheering, I start doing cart wheels and doing handstands

Even Shadis starts rapping the lyrics into a mic and everyone starts going nuts

Instead of going through the ropes, I back flip over them, landing on my feet and flicking my hair out of my face

Loads of screaming can be heard as fireworks start going off

I start skipping up and down in beat with the song, I take off my robe and reveal the back of my T shirt

It has a meme on the back that says

'corporate asks you to spot the difference between these two photos'

It's a photo of Jean and a photo of a horse

Then there's a woman saying 'I see no difference'

Jean looks furious at being embarrassed in front of a thousand people whilst I start running circles in the ring

Then my song gets turned down and BOOM

The lights are turned off

The fire starts coming out, there's a light show in the background and suddenly

My opponent wearing all black, he has a black mask that has red LEDs on it as well as the robe, he's glowing in the dark

Suddenly Tik Tok by Ke$ha starts playing and the lights start going disco mode

My opponent starts doing the worm towards the ring to loads of cheers and applause

My 'fan club' as they call themselves according to their T shirts start booing, the power of 'The Jaegerists' sure is strong

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