Chapter 43: New Rings

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Mikasa POV:

I can't believe it

He won? What the Hell

I thought I was gonna be a widow at 19

Ugh I hate him and love him so much

I don't care if he wants to keep us a secret-

I get out of my seat and run into the ring

He's boiling hot to the touch and steam emitts from his perfectly sculpted body

Blood and sweat covers him but I don't care

I kiss him in front of everyone

He then pulls away from me and walks over to Levi, what's going on?

What's that?

A black box?

What's he doing?


I'm totally freaking out right now

Eren: "Mikasa. Will you marry me?"

I feel my heart stop and everything around me goes silent

The man I've loved since I was 9 years old

The one who I swore to protect and love at all times

After 10 years, FINALLY

Mikasa: "Of course I will y-you idiot!" (I pull him up by his arms and embrace him whilst breaking down into his shoulder)

3rd person POV:

The crowd erupts with cheers and applause

Carla Jaeger can be seen in absolute pieces, utterings of 'finally', 'mixed raced babies' and 'I'm so happy' can be heard as she weaps into her husband's chest, soaking his jacket

Grisha Jaeger can be seen smiling and joining in on the applause

Armin Arlert, Jean Kirschtein, Marco Bodt and Floch Forster can all be seen waving their tops around in the air, stomping their feet and shouting words of encouragement to their friend

Levi Ackerman, this must be a ground breaking occasion as he can actually be seen, smiling? What's this?

Historia Reiss, Mina Carolina and many others can be seen crying and booing at Mikasa

Annie Leonhart stands up, clapping, a tear of bitter sweetness rolls down her cheek as she smiles at the happiness of the man she loves

Jasmine, the reporter/ interviewer, can be seen with the look of someone who had just been told Christmas had been cancelled

Merely a foot away from her was her crush proposing to another woman

She hides her seething emotions, turns around and exits the ring

Jean: "You fucking blockhead, you did it!"

Armin: "AWOOGA AWOOGA!" (He chants)


Floch: "I approve! She's dummy thic- I mean she's really nice!" (He shouts into cupped hands around his mouth, receiving a laugh from the couple)

Levi then brings out 4 bottles of champagne, shakes them and beckons the lads, the boys, the fucking alphas, to come over

Floch, Jean, Marco and Armin all rush into the ring

Levi hands Floch and Armin their own bottle whilst giving Marco and Jean the last to share as they're a couple

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