Chapter 24: Brat

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Levi POV:

Wow, that brat's got some balls

What was his name again?

Eden Jagger?


Fuck knows

I'm getting too old for this shit

Why do I have to be the last on the list?

Fucking main event

After a few minutes of relaxing, a short boy (well, he's nearly my height actually) came bursting into the room, nearly making me lose my composure-

Eren: "Mr Levi sir! C-can I have your autograph please? I'm a big fan, I have a poster of you in my room!-"

Levi: "Listen, buttercup, I'm gonna need you to tone it down several notches. You're an 11 right now, I need you to be at like a 4"

Eren: "Sorry sir"

Levi: "Tch. Brat"

Eren: "So can I have the autograph?"

Levi: "You got a pen?"

Eren: "No"

Levi: "Tch. Fucking kids. Well it's lucky I do isn't it?"

His face looked beyond disappointed when it sounded like I couldn't give him an autograph. It lit up when I said I could, I think I have retinal scarring from the brightness of this kids face

He held out a whole A4 piece of paper, what a waste

I signed it in what must've been like font 24, wasting ink and trees in the process

Levi: "There you go... Little shit" (I said the last bit under my breath)

Eren: "... Sir, I have some questions"

Levi: "Listen kid, I'm not a charit-"

Eren: "Canyouwatchmyfightprettyplease-"

Levi: "Brat, you're climbing back up to notch 9 or 10"

Eren: "Sorry sir"

Levi: "Alright. I'll think about it, I'm no coach though. Don't ask for advice"

Eren: "Thank you so much sir, thank you!"

Levi: "What did I say about fucking notches?"

Eren: "... Sowwy"

Eren: "... Can I have a hug?"

Levi: "No"

Eren: "Why?"

Levi: "Germs"

Eren: "I'm clean-"

Levi: "Nothing in this God forsaken world is clean"

Eren: "I showered last night-"

Levi: "Listen kid, my morning routine would make your hair curl. I'm not one for talking to brats"

Eren: "I'm 13"

Levi: "Come back to me when you're 21"

Eren: "Aren't you 33?"

Levi: (sigh) "Don't remind me-"

Eren: "So why did you say 21, that's ages away"

Levi: "Exactly. Now piss off, I'm about to go on stage"

Eren: "You've got an hour-"

Levi: "Yeah, I'm getting old. My limbs aren't as lickety split as they used to be"

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