Chapter 51: Unexpected

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(AN: I feel like this isn't a great chapter, it's filling a gap for now, boxing will be back soon)


Eren: "Shit"

1 hour ago:

Mikasa POV:

I can't wait to surprise Eren

Once he texted me saying he was now a free man, I immediately called Armin and asked him where they were staying

This place is quite nice in all fairness

Historia always did have a soft spot for Eren

I still remember her screams of pleasure from way back when

It was weird though

Whenever the other girls came, I was always jealous of them

I often found that I was jealous of  both Historia AND Eren

It always confused me but I used to just shake it off

Historia told me to just walk in to Eren's room, the one with the white door

I open the grand Oak front door and set my bags and jacket down on a seat in the hallway

Marble floors, white walls and a crystal chandelier make up the hallway

A few meters in front of me is a set of black spiralled stairs

I walk up them nervously

My heart beat racing and my heals clicking on the marble floor

I see the white door but I can hear shuffling coming from inside

I open the door to see-

Eren: "Ugh, Mi, Mikasa"

Historia: "It's Historia, Eren"

Eren: "Yeah but I love her"

Mikasa: "its okay, I'm here now"

Eren: "Oh shit" (his eyes widen as he realises he's inside Historia, naked)

Historia: "Don't act like you don't like me either Mikasa"

Mikasa: "Ummmm"

Historia: "You used to stare at me all the time in school" (she flirts)

Mikasa: "I couldn't help it, just look at that ass, mmmm" (I tease as I begin taking my top off)

Eren POV:

What the flippity flappity fuck is going on?

I thought I was about to die

Historia walks up to Mikasa as Mikasa grabs her ass

What on earth...

Mikasa then takes her top off-

Historia: "Oh my God! These are huge. Save some for the rest of us!"

Eren: "I know right"

Mikasa: "Shut up, you're being punished for not inviting me into this"

She then kisses Historia in front of me

I get up and pick them both up

I then throw them on the bed

Shit is about to get wild

1 hour later:


I just keep moving forward Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin