Chapter 5: Repeat Or Revenge?

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Eren POV:


Jean Kirschtein vs Eren Jaeger

This is it. I'm gonna put an end to the constant beatings by him and his cronies. I'll fuck him up and then tea bag his unconscious body. Too far? I think not

I walk up to the ring thinking of what Jean has done to me and Armin. Armin had to go to the emergency room in the gym for checkup and still isn't out. I'll do this for him and tell him the news after.

I'm about to get into the ring when- CRASH. The double doors swing open and in comes Marco, Bertholdt and Reiner. Clearly coming to watch their boy Jean.

Don't worry boys I'll give you a show, I think to myself. I can't wait to see the look on their faces when I drop Jean.

I continue my walk and climb through the ropes. People cheering me on, people booing me. It's just like all my other fights, I zone them out and all I can hear is the ref and Jean's breathing. He seems perfectly relaxed. He's about to get the shock of his horse life. He'll be going back to his stable in pieces. Haha. I chuckle to myself out loud. I must look like a nutcase but I don't care.

Jean POV:

Fucking Jaeger. He genuinely thinks he stands a chance? He's practically a punching bag... With a pretty face. Urgh, yack, Jean, you're the Stallion, he can't be pretty.

I'll knock him out easily and then steal all the girls from him.

Me and the bros will be on pussy patrol for months after this. I can't wait to have my arm wrapped around Mikasa. Ohhhh the drama, to steal his sister from him. I can feel myself getting excited but I'm still icy cool like always.

Jean "The Stallion" Kirschtein, that's what they call me. The man, the myth, the legend. Yeah, fuck you Jaeger.

Eren POV:

He looks so calm. It's unnerving me a bit but I know that's only because my muscles are writhing with anger. I can't wait to punch his overly elongated face. Stupid horse, he really calls himself the stallion? More like the muel.

I look over to Shadis, he's clearly impressed and he nods at me, I nod back and go to the centre of the ring.

3rd person POV:

As Eren and Jean walk to the ring you can see the vast difference in their personalities.

Jean, walks over slowly. Head up, shoulders back, clearly not afraid of Eren. A swagger in his step and a grin on his face. Waving to the people in the crowd. He even starts a little dance.

Eren, he looks fearful but a good kind of fearful. He's weary. He knows anything can happen in boxing. His emerald eyes glow with passion and anger. He has his chin down, eyes up. Already in a fighting position and he walks up quickly. Not taking his eyes off Jean, who continues his dancing and performing. You can practically hear Eren's thoughts. You can see the seething hatred he has for the boy in front of him

The ref looks at both boys and realises this is going to be an entertaining fight. He's seen Jean dance around his opponents all day, dodging punches and making them look stupid his his clever maneuvers. Whilst the other boy, Eren, he's seen him drop nearly all his opponents with his heavy hands. His uppercut was lethal. The way he used it was like how you'd use a hammer, but instead of hitting down, hitting up.

They both meet in the middle, Jean now stopping his antics for the most part, rocking side to side, looking at Eren. Eren stands perfectly still, staring at Jean in the eyes. Left, right, left, right. Eren's eyes dart looking at Jean's rocking body. The physical advantages go to Jean but only just. 3 inches separate them in height and maybe 2 in reach. There's probably under a pound in weight difference between the pair.

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