Chapter 52: The Olympics

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(AN: In this world, the olympics still occur every 4 years but they're 2 years later than our world. There wasn't a 2018 olympics in real life, for example)

Time lapse:

Originally: Eren Jaeger (140KOs) 148-5-2

June 2018: Eren Jaeger (151KOs) 160-5-2

Olympic Changing Room, Las Vegas, America, 17th June 2018

Eren POV:

Levi: "This is the big stage now Eren. Everything you've done to this date, forget about it. You either walk out of this event as a professional, or as a loser. Which are you gonna be? Will you cement your legacy? Who are you? All of these questions will be answered, here and now. Go out there with your heart on your sleeve and leave nothing in the ring. This is the biggest moment of your life, the peak of your career so far. I promised we'd go pro after the Olympics but if you get a medal it'll be a lot easier, big promotion teams will be looking at you. Prove that you are the best of the best. The Warhammer needs to come alive today. Will you wake him? Will you summon the beast from it's slumber? Awaken the devil inside of you. Decicate your heart!" (He speaks with firey passion)

Eren: "I've got this, lets go" (I say, hyped up)

Levi: "For your country, for your family, for Armin, for Mikasa. Are you a fighter?" (He continues to pump me up)

Eren: "Oh, I'm a fighter alright" (I say with steely confidence)

Levi: "Well fucking prove it. Lets go!"

3rd person POV:

Presenter: "Today ladies and gentlemen we have a very special event, the first round in the 2018 Olympics for boxing in the crusierweight division. Fighters have gathered here from all over the world to compete for their countries and for gold. It will be very exciting so see who comes out on top. Today we have boxing experts, Lesley Jones and Tim Lee. Who are the front runners for this competition, guys?

Lesley: "Well, there's the obvious choice, Carles 'Golden Boy' Kira. Heavy hands and high intelligence. He's got a natural size advantage over everyone in the competition, being 6'6 (198cm). His record speaks for itself at 125-0 with all of his wins being knockouts. He's definitely a favourite"

Tim: "I quite fancy Connor 'Irish Pride' McGloughlin. A small and stocky crusierweight who has won practically everything there is to win. A European amateur champion and a sparring partner for the formidable Reiner 'The Tank' Braun, a heavyweight star. He doesn't have the biggest background with a record of 66-0 but the quality of fighter he's fought is immense. His heavy hands have seen many modern day professionals laying on the canvas. His only weakness being his small frame at 5'10 (178cm)"

Lesley: "And of course, we cannot forget about Eren 'The Warhammer' Jaeger. Not a favourite in the competition, predicted to finish 13th out of the 1,024 fighters although he's someone you can't count out. Insane physical strength and fitness, he comes in as the fighter in the best physical shape at only 5% body fat and completing the entirety of the bleep test twice, without a break in between. A tricky southpaw who spars with Jean 'The Stallion' Kirschtein, who just so happens to be Reiner Braun's arch rival. His unrivalled drive and huge 'Warhammer Strike' make him someone to watch in this competition"

Presenter: "Thank you, guys, and now to Emily who is ring side for this event. Emily, whats going on out there?"

The camera then pans from the studio to focus on an attractive brunette who stands infront of a purely white ring

Whistles and screams can be heard from the crowd as well as many flags and signs in various languages

Emily: "Well Rob, its completely packed out here today. Lots of fans here wanting to see the dangerous knockout power of the Cruiserweight division. The fan favourites seem to be Carles Kira, Clay Donaldson and Pepe Hernandes. Although, a lot of noise seems to be coming from the Paradisian crowd, all in support of Eren Jaeger, of course. They all believe the Warhammer can conquer everyone else. I guess we'll have to see"

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