Chapter 25: So Close

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Levi POV:

I said to the kid I'd watch his fight so here I am

By the looks of things, he doesn't stand a chance but I have some faith in him

This Eren kid is about 5'2, with the Russian meat head being, maybe 5'6?

Big ass tree

There looks to be a 25lb weight difference in favour of the roid head and that's being generous, I haven't checked the stats but it looks to be around 30 ish

Realistically, they shouldn't be in the same weight class, but that's the beauty of the Heavyweight division

The kid walks out and people start cheering, I give him a little clap from back stage as he's began to grow on me

He's still loud and insufferable but it's a good kind of insufferable

He's very extravagant, coming out in all pink, he looks like a flamingo

He has his own fan club as well, full of girls, idiots

I can tell by a glance that he doesn't have a clue what girls are thinking

Probably still thinks they have cooties

I like the performance he's putting on, he's doing a few cart wheels here and there

I'm sure this TV doesn't do it justice, my changing room is upstairs and has a balcony to the arena, I'll go out there when it starts, it's too loud right now

Good song choice

A classic

The Rocky theme tune always gets the crowd up and going

He's got that creepy mask and long ass hammer with him

He looks straight out of a weeb convention, nerd

He steps into the ring and beckons the crowd to get louder with his arms

Stupid brat

Then the other guy comes out

The Russian steroid muncher

He's playing some Russian song, sounds like the songs I listen to when on vodka

Makes sense

For a 13 year old, he's big

I was a little runt at that age, still am

He wears all black, with a black crown

This guy thinks he's a cross between Vladimir Putin and King Henry VIII

Fucking noob

As they both step in the ring it starts getting heated

This Chestibor walks up to Jaeger and pushes him

Don't take his shit Jaegerbomb-

Good kid

He pushed him back and then got separated

Keep your cool, brat

Its about to kick off-

3rd person POV:

Announcer: "Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the first bout of the evening. A long awaited, highly anticipated U9- U13s bout between two giants in the Heavyweight division"

Announcer: "In one corner we have: Eren 'The Warhammer' Jaeger. He stands at 5 feet and 2 inches (158cm), wearing all pink. With a record of 32-3-1, he's a big contender for the national title he'll eventually compete for. With 27 wins coming by way of knockout, he's a formidable opponent. Standing with his head trainer Keith Shadis"

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