II - XXIII:「A Diary's Plan」

Start from the beginning

As for Alem, he was definitely starting to look a bit more like Lawrence. His appearance looked more feminine last year that (Y/N) often teased him as a 'femboy' but today, he's grown masculine features on his face. Even (Y/N) admits that their brother grew handsome in a year that they wouldn't be surprised if Lavender Brown's crush hasn't wavered since their first year in Hogwarts.

Alem was definitey becoming taller than (Y/N) though, which made them bitter. They still looked identical to each other though.

"I apologize if we're pulling you out of your work for a second." Wallace sent Tom an apologetic smile, earning a chuckle from the bartender as he waved his hand in dismissal.

"Don't worry about it," he said. "I always help those who are unable to enter Diagon Alley by themselves - I've done it to a lot of muggleborns today, new students of Hogwarts, I presume."

(Y/N) silently gulped at the idea of Hermione coming here with her parents today. True, they did want to see Hermione again after two whole months of not being able to see her but if Hermione was here, then that'd mean that Harry, the Weasleys, and the Malfoys were here.

"Just do this and," Tom stepped forward to the wall of bricks and retrieved his wand from his pockets, tapping certain bricks in the wall before a rumbling sound can be heard.

The four of them took a step back and watched as the bricks started to move sideways, creating an entrance to a busy pathway with witches and wizards passing through each other while carrying a bunch of magical supplies on their hands.

(Y/N) felt their mouth gape open at how amazing that was. The Diagon Alley looked exactly like how it was in the movies, which is understandable; they were made to replicate the description of how Diagon Alley was in the books, after all.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley," Tom gestured at the entrance and patted Wallace's shoulders. "Keep an eye out for those two, will you? Today's a busy day at Diagon Alley 'cause Gilderoy Lockhart is in Flourish and Blotts."

"Never know when you might lose 'em." He added.

(Y/N)'s ears perked up at Gilderoy's name being spoken by Tom, their head raised towards the bartender. "Gilderoy Lockhart is here today?" They asked with a frown.

Alem frowned along with his twin and felt the urge of wanting to go home since they do need to stop by Flourish and Blotts today to buy the books that they needed for their second year.

"Yeah," Tom nodded at (Y/N)'s question. "Ruddy wizard's been here since morning, signing off his books that second years needed to buy."

"You know how witches fancy his face. Merlin, I don't understand why though." Tom sighed and rubbed the back of his head. "Anyway, I'll head back to work - can't leave my customers waiting."

"Thank you so much." Wallace bowed down as Tom left the Rosewoods with a smile.

(Y/N) felt troubled. If Gilderoy was here today, then Harry and the others would obviously be here too. They were looking forward to see everyone again but Draco's big mouth will ruin everything soon enough, but they hoped something like that wouldn't happen.

"Shall we go in?" Wallace asked and held out both of his hands for the twins to take since he heeded Tom's warning and didn't want to lose them from his sight. (Y/N) and Alem hesitatingly placed their hands on Wallace's and walked inside the busy Diagon Alley, the bricks behind them moving back to how they were before and closing off the entrance with a rumble.

It was too crowded and a bit too large than (Y/N) expected that they didn't know where to start. Not even Wallace knows where to start buying their school supplies.

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