𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 | 𝐦. 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐳𝐚𝐥

Start from the beginning

With a shallow groan, Mat crossed his arms- ignoring the relentless chirping and teasing from his friends. He was too distracted to really care anyway. His gaze had fallen directly to where Y/N sat at the bar- seemingly already chatting it up with some girls.

He was aware that she didn't know anyone, but seeing her talk so effortlessly and seemingly without a care made his stomach fill with butterflies. A girl that could hold a conversation and be sociable was one of the most attractive things in his head.

Especially if they initiated it.

Through the night, Y/N had seemingly floated around the bar, finding herself chatting with group after group. She exchanged her number with a few girls and guys- people that she clicked with or thought that she could eventually click with in the future. She just wanted to have fun, and relax. She wasn't looking to get drunk and dance on table tops, or leave with a stranger, she was rather content with just 'being'

It wasn't long until the mood in the bar began to lift. As the night night grew long, the music got louder and more people filled the room- Before she could even notice, Y/N was being swept away into the crowd- one of the girls she had met earlier that night inviting her to be a beer pong partner.

As they found themselves at a table, Y/N looked up- realizing who her competition was. "Oh you're going down Tito." She laughed, staring across the pong table at Tito and his rather quiet partner of the night- Mat.

Tito nudged Mat's shoulder, seemingly trying to get him to speak up. "Is that a promise?" Mat blurted out. For the first time that night, he had found Y/N speechless, her lips parted as she became awe struck of him and flustered.

The notion brought a smirk upon Mat's lips- his smile tugging as he felt himself start to grow in confidence. He straightened out his cap once again, and fixed the band of his watch. Picking up a ping pong ball and getting ready for his shot.

Y/N's eyes focused in on his torso- the way his shirt fit him in all the right places, the way the veins in his arms and hands seemed to bulge as he assumed his position. She was no stranger to attractive men, but Mat definitely took the cake.

Releasing the ball from him grasp, Mat watched as it bounced across the table, missing the rim of the cup and cluttering to the floor A series of groans and laughs came from the group around them, Mat pushing his lips out as he brushed it off. "Nah nah- That was just a warm up"

Tito rolled his eyes. "I swear to god, if you fuck this up im asking for a new teammate." He threatened playfully.

The woman Y/N was partners with for the night seemed to get along rather famously with Tito. They talked and laughed and flirted obnoxiously but It was actually rather cute. Sadly, Y/N wasn't much help during the game, she hadn't played beer pong since her early college days and eventually Sarah- whom she had learned was her partner, decided to ditch her in favour of Tito, who had in turn ditched Mat.

"We kinda suck dont we?" Y/N laughed as she walked towards Mat, having gotten herself a refill and him one as well, she sat down in the booth next to him- which was seemingly vacant. Anders had only stayed for a short while before he headed home to the wife and baby, and the other guys were lingering around the bar doing their own thing.

Mat laughed. "I suppose we do." He admitted. Y/N was definitely someone to watch, she was so carefree and easy going. Even though he had only really hung out with her for the last hour, through the rest of the night he had seen how comfortable she was with everyone- from demolishing Anders in darts, to taking a shot or two with tito.

He was honestly convinced that if he dared her to do a keg stand, she might just take him up on the offer. "So where are you from?' He asked, wanting to settle the mood down and really get to know her. He could only tell so much from watching someone, but how they portrayed themselves to others- that would be the telling sign of whether Y/N was someone he wanted around or not.

The girl shrugged. "Here, there, everywhere- My family moved a lot so I'm not really from one place." She admitted. She brushed her fingers through her hair for a quick moment before looking back at Mat.

"Do you play hockey with Anthony?" She asked. The man nodded, explaining that they were good friends and had know each other for a little while before he was ever on the islanders.

She explained that she was a little nervous about coming out that night. Tito had offered but she didn't want to impose on his night. She knew how little time he got to just hang out and relax. Especially on a weekend.

Her thoughtfulness struck a chord in Mat, he couldn't help but smile. "That was very considerate of you- but Tito's a good guy, you didn't impose and you acted just like one of us..." he smirked.

Y/N giggled softly. "Does that make me one of the boys then?" She hummed.

Mat shook his head. "Oh no- definitely not." He took a drink of his beer.

"And why's that?" The woman rolled her eyes playfully.

The man next to her scooted a bit closer, brushing his leg against her thigh ever so gently as he leaned in close. "Because if you were one of the guys, It might be weird if I asked you out." He admitted.

Raising her brow, Y/N thought about it for a moment. "Well, It's a good thing I'm not one of the guys then huh?"

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