46 ¦ Jacob Pierce

Start from the beginning

I take a deep breath and sigh out all my nervousness, "Here goes nothing."

There's no need for liquid courage here, I want to show her that I can be brave without one. I head over to the grand entrance and Glai open the door for me. Glancing around to see where's Margaret, my Autumn, and my Persephone... My love. I smile as my eyes meet her russet set of eyes in the corner of the grand room. As she smiles back, I take it as a sign for me to slowly walk towards her with the bouquet of roses in my hand.

Why is the whole room suddenly feels quiet? Glancing down on the floor, I just realized that there's a spotlight following my every move. Gazing up to where's the spotlight coming from, and I chuckle. Yuri and Venieze is operating the spotlight, and I can slightly see them giving me a thumbs up. Jerks, I mutter under my breath as I keep walking towards Margaret. So, that's why the room went quiet, all of them is watching us. I just hope Margaret is okay with all the eyes present in this room is on her.

As I get closer, I can sense her nervousness. It's a relief inside me as I found out that she's also nervous for this as I am. That nervousness I felt from her slowly gets drown by her whole dress. She's wearing a silver dress that hugs her waist flawlessly, the dress itself doesn't have a long tail, but that doesn't blind me by the fact that she looks so elegant. Silver. The same shade of silver on my suit. All of them set us up together for this. From the spotlight, to the matching color of our outfits.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She takes a step forward, concern slowly forms on her stunning face.

My irritated expression must have shown perfectly from the spotlight that she felt concern for me. "It's nothing, don't worry about it."

She smiles sweetly, her gaze slowly falls onto the bouquet of roses in my hand, "For whom does that bouquet of flowers for?"

I chuckle at her formal tone and hands her the roses. "For you, of course."

Her face shows that she suspected this, but the sudden shade of red on her cheeks begs to differ. "Thank you." She slowly looks up, giggling her way to remove the blush on her cheeks. "God, I knew those roses are for me, but I still feel flustered about it."

Chuckling at her failed attempt to remove the blush on her adorable face, "You know that they set us up, right?"

She tilts her head to the side; her black hair elegantly sways as she moves her head. She must have brought back her natural hair color for this occasion. "Why is that?"

I gesture my hands on the spotlight that's directly pointing at us, and the matching color in our outfits. "Does that answer your question?"

She covers her mouth with her hand as she laughs. "They are really rooting for us to be together, huh?"

Both of us just stand there, gazing at each other's eyes. Can we stay like this forever? Because this is what I need for all of my life. Just Margaret, nothing else. "Hey, want to take a picture together? You know, just for the memories."

Again, the blush goes visible as she smiles her way to my request. "I would love to."

"Awesome," Glancing around the room just to find an available person to take a photo. "Wait a minute." I raise a finger to Margaret face before I venture off around the room to find a candidate. Before I could even go far, I already see Venieze running as fast as she can towards us. Squinting my eyes at what's her holding between her hands. Wow, they really plan this through, huh?

"Thank you for letting me borrow your camera, Margaret." Venieze smiles then glances her gaze at me. "Don't you just stand there, stand right next to her."

I happily follow her instruction and stand right beside Margaret. Taking a quick glance at her direction, she seems to be loving the bouquet of roses I bought for you.

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