2 ¦ Jacob Pierce

118 4 0

Mission Complete

"Fucking finally!" I huff out, clutching every ounce of my luck while I throw my first up towards the air in my mind as I read those sweet Mission Complete words. "That was challenging." I gave myself an imaginary high five and click the home screen button.

Staring closely at my screen, checking my latest progress in Hitman 3 with a cheeky grin printed on my sleep-deprived face. Oh yeah, I'm not lying, I really have sleep-deprived face, a nice hot shower will fix it, so nothing to worry about. What matters is my fucking progress right now.

Total Completion: 65%
Challenge Completion: 116 / 178
Mission Stories: 6 / 10
Trophies: 20 / 47

That's just so satisfying, literal chills within my bones, just seeing and feeling that I'm close, very close to finishing this amazing game. Those sleepless night and a whole case of Red Bull were just worth it, I don't really care if I pass out because I'm too sleep-deprived. I may slowly be falling into a deadly sanity level, but I don't care. I want to complete this game, I want to earn every achievement-or in this game, they call it trophies-even those secret achievements. What can I say? I'm a pure completionist.

Gaming over health! I don't care if it's unhealthy, it's my own life, I should be the one to decide if it's healthy or not.

Judging by those numbers on the screen, it really makes me want to finish this whole damn amazing game into shreds, but I need to dial it down for a bit because if I finish this right now, I'm going to be bored the next fucking days until I find a new game to finish. Curse my habit of trying to finish a game very early. I could just buy another game on Steam, but the thing is, I'm broke as fuck, not even a single penny is in my wallet. It may sound exaggerated, but seriously, there's no money left. Well, except my funds for college but that's not important.

If I'm being honest right about now, there's actually one game that I want to play, but haven't bought it. And it's that sweet, sweet Red Dead Redemption 2. I have finished Red Dead Redemption 1 and got bored out of my mind, and I try to grind for the hidden achievements in the game. And yet, that Red Dead Redemption 2 is just mocking me with its badass cover picture. I know it's been 3 years since the second game was released, but damn, I really don't have much money to afford it. I could try streaming to earn money, but I also don't have the right equipment for it.

Speaking of equipment, my gaming set isn't an example of the best gaming set. Well, the only gaming platform I have at the moment is a PC and a PS4. My PC is what I'm mostly using, because most of my games came from Steam. If only I have my hands on that sweet RDR 2, I'm gonna play that on my PS4 all day long, no breaks whatsoever. Fuck schoolwork! Fuck assignments! That game is so much more important than anything in the world.

"Oh, someday, I'm going to have you." I rub my hand on my screen which shows the badass cover of RDR 2. "And when I do, I'll use you every single day." I didn't even mean to make it sound dirty. God, what is wrong with me? Must be the sleep deprivation.

As I keep on daydreaming about having that sweet, sweet game. In the corner of the screen, my eye I spot the time in my computer screen.

"Fuck! It's already 5:30 A.M." My eyes popped up, my mouth fall into an O-shape. Why am I in shock to this? I knew what I was going into, and still I'm shocked about it.

Half an hour has passed from playing non-stop, and it just came to my senses. I remember what Nicole said to me yesterday. That I insisted on driving her to school today! And I'm fucking late!

"Fuck!" I mutter under my breath.

But I'm nearly gonna finish this game. C'mon Jacob think. What should you do? Finish the game? Or drive Nicole to school? Or maybe drive Nicole to school then finish the game? No, that's not possible, I'm not gonna have any more time to finish it completely.

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