10 ¦ Jacob Pierce

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Playing Counter Strike with Amon makes me forget about everything, even that awkward encounter with Jasmine. The best about this stress reliever, that my rank went up while playing. We've already been playing like 21 rounds now, even though the initial plan was only 10 rounds, but I'm still stress out just to play 10 rounds. I need more. Granted, there's a lot of cursing and screaming, but it's still the best stress reliever I have.

The only problem is, and I'm gonna be frank, Amon is kinda heavy to lift throughout those rounds. There's time that we lose because of shitty teammates, but finally we've been matched with fine teammates instead of fucking shits. There's one round it's only Amon left in our team, but he clutched in. It would be much easier if Glai and Ian decided to join in our matches, but sadly they're busy binge-watching anime. I would join them, but I prefer playing games than watching. There's just something about playing that makes my stress go away. Maybe it's because of the violence that's been involved who knows.

Our last round is finally over, and we manage to promote Amon's rank today, also mine. The chat is flooded with GGs. Through the Discord server, where Amon and I communicate, his voice is calm and ecstatic "Good game, Jake."

I exit out of the game, letting out a loud groan while stretching up my body. Sitting down in the same position for like an hour then stretching is the best thing ever. After this I need a break, like a quick nap perhaps. "You're so heavy to lift, why won't you make it easy for me?" even though the match is over, I still have my Discord open.

"Sorry man, there is just bothering me." He confesses, his voice is low and deep. I knew it, he does have a problem, he sounded and acted differently earlier in the hallways.

"I hate to be sympathetic," My voice come out as a mocking tone. "But what is it? What's bothering you dude?" I lay back on my gaming chair, relaxing my body.

"There's this girl I met in the hallways earlier." I could hear him sigh quietly through the headset.

"And then?"

"You see, she's kinda cute to me. The way she's being clumsy all of that." I could practically hear him shy away his face, but I don't want to mock him with that.

"Oh," I reply sarcastically. "What's this girl's name anyway?"

"Margaret Fellice." He said it like he's in some sort of dream. A dream that he doesn't want to wake up into.

Margaret Fellice, huh, what an adorable name. No wonder Amon is acting weird in each match. He is thinking about a girl. This is why I don't want anyone in my life, because they'll be a distraction, just like that girl on Amon's mind. I'm also happy that Amon found someone. A girl that's been running around in his mind that makes him play poorly. I kinda want to meet this mysterious girl that caught Amon's attention and consciousness.

"Anyways, thank you for the offer to play CS:GO dude, I really needed that." I smile even though he won't see it.

"Before you hang up, since I told you what's bothering me," Oh God, I don't like this part. "So, tell me, what seems to be bothering you? You promise that you'll tell me while we play, but during the match you were awfully quiet, except from all the cursing. So, tell me what's your problem?" he politely asks.

I let out a loud groan and a deep sigh before saying, "Oh, well, to update you to stuff." Trying to remember everything that had happened in a span of a day. "Nicole broke up with me."

"Damn, that sucks man." I could hear him giving me a sympathetic smile. "What's the reason why she broke up with you?"

"Well, she broke up with me because I chose to play games rather than her in general. I don't really care anyway. She's just in the way of me playing. She made it more difficult for me to focus on playing." I let out another deep sigh. "And that brings me to my second reason, why I needed that match."

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