17 ¦ Margaret Fellice

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Well, this past week had been A-Okay, eyeing Noah who's been stressing out from all his project, for me at least.

For starters, I'm almost done with my self-portrait. Jacob and I had an agreement on how many pics each of us going to have, still weirded by his sudden change of attitude towards me, what was that all about? We exchanged phone numbers just to communicate with one another about the project. Heck, he already had one picture, and it's a picture of me painting. He sent it to me so that I'll be the one who will compile every picture.

I also bought a photo album, for memories I guess, and of course the photo album is themed with stars and moon. The cover is glistening with silver stars, shining in each tilt of the album, and when you open it, voilà there's that picture of me painting.

It's a great shot actually, it shows the sunlight lingering to the paint bucket and enough to see what I'm drawing. I have never thought about that asshole has a good set of eyes to take this marvelous photo. I'm still shocked that he took this one.

These past weeks have been calm lately, I still feel stress sometimes, but most of the time, it's just calm. Since it's Saturday, I actually don't know what to do. I'm gonna take a break for a while because I deserve it.

Laying on my bed, thinking about what to do for my spare time, but then a sudden notification of Nancy messaging me.

Nancy: Yow, wanna go out?

Talk about perfect timing. Nancy is truly the best. There will be a long, long talk with Nancy once we're out together.

Me: Omfg, perfect timing. I'm actually bored.

Nancy: Great. I'm gonna drive by the gate. See you there!

I jump out of my bed, readying myself to go out. As I am about to head out of the door, Noah snickers at me, giving me an impish grin.

"What?" I raise an eyebrow at his direction, and he just shakes his head.

"Nothing, I'm just surprised you're gonna go out?" He then lifts his fingers up and down at me. "I'm digging the outfit by the way."

"Yeah, this is always my choice of outfit. I'm glad you liked it." I look down at my white plain T-shirt accompanied by a soft black hoodie jacket, and the usual black skinny jeans with black Converse shoes. To be honest, I'm more of a Converse emo than a Vans emo. The same goes to Noah, he is also a Converse emo. We also have the same aesthetic choice, we both choose Dark Academia aesthetic.

"You know, you look like you have a date or something." As always, as he gets closer to me, I see a bag of chips on his hand, ready to get devoured by him. Poor bag of chips.

"Shut up, Nancy and I are just gonna hang out together?" I roll my eyes, and so did he.

"Okay, well, have fun with your date with Nancy."

"It's not a date! We're just gonna hangout!" I act like those little girls when their parents didn't allow them to go out.

He rolls his eyes again as he stands up, to put his chips aside. I notice that he's also dressed like he's going out. A plain white V-neck shirt with a black unbuttoned up shirt accompanied by a black trench coat that is just resting on his shoulders, and to finish it up, he wears a black ripped jeans with black Converse.

"Uh, where are you going?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest, raising an eyebrow in his direction.

"Oh, I'm meeting up with my therapist." He smiles, lifting his eyebrows up and down.

"Wait, you're in therapy?" I chuckle, I couldn't believe he's in therapy. Well, he needs one anyway.

"I'm just joking." his tone as deep as his soul in his dark brown eyes.

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