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“Okay, be careful Draco, and Addy!”

She watch as they run off to the hill, Annalise smiled dearly to herself, back then, two years ago, she was skeptical about living by herself, and with Adelaine, she thought she wouldn't handle it. She was afraid without guidance by Mrs. Malfoy. But she really wanted to leave and live an independent life.

Draco at first was outraged by this idea, he said he wants to live with her, follow her, and be with her. Adelaine second this, and begged that Draco should live with them ― the first two months of looking for the perfect, suitable home was hard;

St. Ottery Cathpole was already filled with lot of foreign wizards, so is Chudley and Godric Hollow. Those villages nearly became tourist spots. Falmouth was the closest to Chantell and Adam's house, but Adelaine didn't want to live near it, and the village of Barnton, Wimbourne, and Puddlemere were full of small houses for a small family in which Draco dislikes.

And so, they moved to Upper Flagley in Yorkshire.

Upper Flagley was small wizarding village, small but rich, from afar, it looks like an ordinary muggle village but once people get a closer look, all oddity can be seen from a non-wizard's perspective, wizards can use spells and charms without having to worry a muggle seeing them, for the village is warded with anti-muggle charms.

Annalise spend five thousand galleons for their lovely house, it wasn't that much in comparison to what Draco purchased, he gave three hundred thousand galleons to own The Riddle House in Little Hangleton, which now turned to a Potion Establishment, and to Annalise's surprise before, it is called,

“Beaufort's Concoction: Brewery of The Finest and High Quality Potion”

She had a fight with him over this, but sooner later decides to let him do what he wants. He was too in love with her, everyone noticed it. But for Draco, he felt as though his love for her was just enough.

After the Riddle House was renovated into a potion-factory, Draco hired over a hundred potion masters from all over Britain who were fully license. And with just a month of working, Hospitals and Schools have been ordering a significant amount of potions, monthly, for supplies.

Including Hogwarts, St. Mungos Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, Beauxbatons and Ilvermony.

Draco managed to create new potions for Elves and Goblins, he also created a potion to enduce extreme happiness to the drinker without any side effects, lastly, he managed to create elixirs to save patients from near-death, with his achievement, the Ministry gave him Order of Merlin, Second Class.

With this new potions being introduced, Gringotts orders monthly supplies for it's staff which were Goblins, starting last year.

Draco's vault was getting only bigger with the amount of gold he receives each week, Annalise on the other hand, is living the best life she could ever had, her money was smaller when she bought the house and all their necessities, but after working, she managed to earn the amount she lost, thus more.

She looked around their garden, just like in the Burrow of the Weasley's, gnomes were digging back into their holes, causing her to sigh, she has to de-gnome the garden again, and it's such a tiring task.

She closed the door and head inside, the house was thrice as big as Adam and Chantell's previous home in Devon, the kitchen was designed with oak wood, pans were banging each other as they lay hanging on the pot rack above the kitchen counter, the living room was spacious, a dining glass table with four chairs sat on the very edge of the room, in front of it was the couch, and in front of the couch was a litted fireplace under a handsome mantelpiece, and Draco decided to place a small tank of goldfishes on top of the mantelpiece.

To my Roommate, Draco MalfoyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz