Raf and I walked into the meeting and everyone turned our way. As usual, I pulled out a cigarette and placed my feet atop the table. Raf began to ask about things and the appropriate men spoke up. After the meeting was over, with no one being thrown out of the window much to my dismay Raf and I left. "Well that was fucking boring." I yawned. Raf murmured in agreement.

"Is there anything planned for today?" I asked Sergio who stood holding my car door open. "There's one more meeting at two with Ramos." He said.

I looked at Raf and then back at Sergio. "Raf go ahead and meet with Ramos." I said avoiding his gaze.

"Fuck off. You can meet with Ramos." Raf said as he walked away. "Raphael." I said loudly. He pretended he didn't hear me and continued to walk away. "Raphael you fucking get back here right now!" I yelled after him.

He spun around and held up two middle fingers at me and winked cheekily before continuing to walk away. Fucking idiot. It didn't take a genius to work out the fact that Raf didn't like Ramos and the fact the Raf most definitely did sleep with his sister.

"Fine. Sergio let Ramos know the meeting has changed to tomorrow morning." I sighed and rubbed my face, while entering the car. I adjusted the car mirrors and checked the time on my watch. "Why can't you meet with him today?" Sergio asked.

"Get in the car." I ordered. He looked at me puzzled and closed the door. He got in and I drove away, towards home. "Ah Lira. It's always all about Lira." Sergio chuckled and made a few calls.

"What's Ramos been doing recently?" I asked him as I made a turn. "The usual. Although recently he's been bragging about his new ride." Sergio replied.

"What is it?" I asked my curiosity was definitely peaked. "A Bugatti. Nothing special." Sergio said as he made another call. I smiled to myself. I had to have that car, not for the sake of having the car because I had plenty, but for the sake of taking it from Ramos. And I know exactly how to take it from him.

I parked the car and stepped out after Sergio held my door open. "Wait here." I said and proceeded to walk into the house. I was hoping she was still here. I walked around until I could hear her voice.

"Pse dreqin duhet të vij? .. pse nuk mundesh..oh Zoti mirë, mirë të kam borxh. Unë jam me të nëse duhet ta dish ... më duhet të iki .. lamtumirë (Why the fuck do I have to come?..why can't you..oh God fine, fine I do owe you. I'm with him if you must know...I have to go..bye bye)" Lira spoke before sighing heavily. She put her phone into her pocket and held her hands on her hips.

"About time Enzo." She said. I walked up to her and looked down at her ass which was accentuated by her jeans. "Was that Admir?" I asked her. She turned to face me and smiled.

"Yes. He's got a problem and he needs me to deal with it." She said. I hummed. "Can't you just tell him to fuck off?" I grinned. She chuckled. "No unfortunately. I owe him one and he called it in. So I leave tonight." She replied.

"Well would you like to have dinner?" I asked her. She smiled and walked around me. "Are you asking me out on a date?" She said with a playful grin. "Yes." I said and quickly turned around to kiss her.

We both left the house and entered the car, with Sergio sitting in the back. "Since Lira is leaning tonight, Sergio call Ramos, the meeting is rescheduled for tonight." I said as I drove away.

"What time are you leaving?" I asked Lira as I glanced at her. She was relaxed back into her seat. "Eleven." She replied. "Sergio move the meeting to..nine." I said after thinking about it.

"What the fuck is going on?" Lira smiled as she looked at me. "Ramos is a business partner. I was going to leave the meeting until tomorrow but since you're leaving, we may as well have it tonight." I said as I kept my eyes on the busy roads.

"And why does that concern me?" She asked as she looked out of the window. "I don't particularly like Ramos and I hear he has a new ride..so you're going to win it from him." I said. She looked at me with wide eyes.

"Oh God that was the sexiest thing I've ever heard." She smiled showing her teeth. "Can we please keep it pg. I'm right here." Sergio piped up. I chuckled and drove on.

We soon reached a restaurant. It was a very expensive one which resided on the twenty fourth floor. It would take months to book a reservation but I didn't make one. Lira and I walked into the spacious reception and I began to talk to the receptionist. When I explained that I knew the owner, she called him down.

In a few minutes, a tall man walked down a set of stairs and smiled warmly at me. He wore a expensive suit and was followed by two security guards. "Vicenzo, how are you? What are you doing here?" He greeted. I shook his hand. "I am well and I'm here to have dinner." I replied. He looked at Lira and then at me. "Of course of course. You can go. Tell them you're my guest. Pick whatever table you want and the food is on me." He said and moved out of my way. I thanked him and we walked over to the elevator.

While inside Lira hummed. "Why this place?"
She asked. "It has a beautiful view." I replied and glanced at the handle to a small knife in her pocket. "Want to know something Enzo?" She grinned and placed her face close to my ear. "Gjithmonë kam dashur të më futin në ashensor (I've always wanted to be fucked in an elevator)" She whispered in Albanian, her voice low and sultry.

She innocently leaned away from me and walked out of the lift when it stopped at the floor. "What did she say?" Sergio asked. I almost forgot that he was with me. "Something definitely not very pg." I smirked and followed behind her.

We were soon seated at a table on the balcony which overlooked a beautiful part of Italy. Towards the right was the Havana beach and to the left, beautiful homes and green trees. It was quiet and peaceful.

"Cosa vorrebbe bere signore? (What would you like to drink sir?)" The waiter asked me. Lira was looking through the leather bound menu. "Prendo un po' d'acqua (I'll have some water), Lira what would you like?" I asked her. She placed the menu down and looked at the waiter. "Acqua (water)" She said.

I felt my lips tug into a small smile and I looked at her. "And for dinner?" I asked. I saw her gulp before brushing her hair back in attempts to hide it. "I'll have whatever you're having." She smiled at me and then at the waiter. I looked at the waiter and ordered for both of us.

"Just tell me I didn't order fucking shrimp or anything." She said as she sipped on her water. I chuckled and looked at her. "Pizza. Real authentic Italian pizza." I sipped on my water and saw some diners looking our way, whispering amongst themselves.

"So tell me, why do you hate the Russians?" I asked her. She smiled at me. "They're idiots. The youngest one tried to hit on me, followed by the other one. The eldest tried to poison me and the other one pulled a gun on me. The view is beautiful." She said. However, the view in front me was the most beautiful.

"And the fifth brother?" I asked when the waiter came over with our food. I thanked the waiter. "The fifth brother, Fabi. He's very polite. It astonishes me that he's related to them." She said as she picked up a slice of pizza.

"And are you sure you didn't do anything to provoke them?" I teased her as I bit into a slice of pizza. "Nothing at all. I don't provoke people." She replied. I hummed in amusement.

"And why don't you just take this Ramos' car?" She asked me. "I could but you see, Ramos is a sexist bastard and seeing you beat his ass, that would be fucking hilarious." I said.

She laughed. "You're just shit at racing." She licked her lips and tilted her head at me. "Tell me I'm wrong, I dare you." She teased with that sexy smile of hers.


Okay so I just love Raf he's one of my many moods
Uhh I'm so stumped on what to write about this chapter so here's an inspirational pep talk if you ever need one
Listen here you bitchass queen, you can fucking do everything you put your mind to. You don't need to give a shit about what others think about you and you don't need to please people. Not everyone in life will like you and that's okay! Be who you are and be fucking epic. You got this.

Also yes I have a fetish about asses I admit it uhh gosh leave me alone

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