chapter 39

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Peter's pov

I just saw Wanda looking at me at the coffee shop me and mj went into. She immediately turned her head and thats when I saw her. That's when I saw y/n. Im only with Mj today cause she's having a hard with this too and needed a friend. We both missed her so thats why we were hanging out. God I wish Mj didn't kiss me. I wish Y/n would just talk to me. I'm standing there frozen, Y/n gets up and walks out. Wanda looks to Nat and they sit there for a minute. I don't wait to get my coffee I turn to Mj

"I'll be back in a minute" I say to her then walk out of the store after y/n.

I look around the busy streets of New York. I see Nats car parked and y/n standing up against it. She really looks like she doesn't wanna be here anymore. I take a breath and walk over to her.


"What do you want Peter" she responds. Wow. She's really mad at me.

"I just wanna talk" I say slightly taking a step forward

"About what Peter. How you cheated on me with my bestfriend while I was in a coma for weeks. Or how I shut everyone out even Bucky and Morgan. Or how about the fact you didn't even come around to see if I was okay. Yeah I might have screamed at you but atleast then maybe I would have had of listened. but you didn't so why should I listen now" she responds. Some of the people walking by turn the heads and look towards us. Y/n has tears in her eyes. And I'm standing here like an idiot.

"I- I'm sorry. I didn't know that you shut everyone out, I'm sorry I didn't check on you, I'm sorry I didn't make you listen to what I had to say because I should have I'm sorry that I didn't check on you. And you don't have to listen to me now. You don't. But if you will I can explain" I say back to her. And thats when the first tear falls out of her eyes and down her cheek.

"Peter leave her alone." Nat comes out and says to me unlocking the car.

"Please just say something y/n I'll explain everything I just need to know that you're going to listen Please" I say ignoring Nat. Y/n is just standing there staring. But not at me or Nat. Not at Wanda she's looking right at Mj. Standing there staring back at her.

"Y/n come on let's get in the car." Wanda says. But y/n ignores. She walks toward Mj. Clenching her fist and punches her in the face making Mj stumble back. Y/n then turns around and walks past me opens the car door gets in and shuts it. She doesn't say a word she just sits there.

Wanda is checking on Mj. Nat is trying to get y/n to talk and go apologize and I'm standing here stunned. And wondering what the F**k just happened.

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