chapter 15

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Peter's pov

I drop Ned off at his house. I stayed for a little bit cause he was talking about a girl he likes and wanted advice. We are talking and suddenly I get a call from Y/n.

*on the phone*
Me: hey what's up?

Y/n: Peter you need to get home asap. My dad sent us and emergency message 15 minutes ago

Me: okay I'll be right over

*hangs up*

"Hey Ned. I'm sorry for leaving you rn. But me and y/n got and emergency message from Tony" "hey no worrys Peter. I'll talk to you soon." "Of course" I smile then go over to the avengers tower. "Y/n?" I say walking in the door. "Over here Peter! In the lab." I walk over and she plays the message. "Hey kids. I know I told you to stay out of this but we kinda need your help. After watching this you'll get the location. Please hurry" the video ends and it shows us the location. " Y/n, Peter. Enjoy your new suits" F.R.I.D.A.Y says revealing an opening in the wall. They're nano tec suits. Mine is a black and gold. We put them on and head to the location my dad sent us. But we can't just head to the location because it's not on earth...
"F.R.I.D.A.Y how are we supposed to get to my father if he isn't even on earth?" " you get to see some old friends y/n" I hear a familiar voice "Your one and only star lord here" I smile "PETER QUILL IS THAT YOU" I haven't seen him since I was like 12 it's been 3 almost 4 years since I've seen him. " well who else would it be?" I smile and go over and hug him. I then look over to my Peter. He's confused. "Peter. This is Peter Quill. and Peter this is Peter Parker" I gestured while introducing them. The shake hands " Maybe it's better if we just call you Quill" Peter says. "Or star lord" Quill replys. I laugh. "Look. I'd love to catch up and all but your dad really needs yours and Peter's help" "yah let's get going" "wait how do you know eachother?" "I'll explain later" I say as we all walk onto the ship.

A/n: Thank you so so much for 400+ read! I'm so thankful to all of you that have taken the time to read and give me feed back/ideas :)

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