chapter 37

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Y/n pov

Me and my dad spent about 3 hours just driving around. We went and got some pizza and some icecream. He let me blast song over the car speakers and we just had some fun we also went and saw Pepper and Morgan for a bit. He hasn't even tried to Bring up Peter. He's just been having fun with me. We pull into the compound and get out of the car. He goes to the living room and I go upstairs to have a shower. It honestly did feel nice to get out of the compound. After my shower I get dressed and bring my clothes to the laundry room so they can be washed. It was pretty late but I wanted to go see everyone some of them had already went to bed Bucky, Sam and Steve still are awake in the living room I go in a sit in the empty chair beside Steve. Sam and Bucky are on the opposite side of the room. Once I'm seated everyone faves me and just looks at me. Probably not knowing what to say.

"Guys, I'm fine" I say hoping to break the silence

"Y/n, you don't have to be with us. You can talk about it" Sam says

"I'm fine. There's nothing to talk about" I reply. I really don't feel like talking about it especially because Steve is here and I don't wanna make him uncomfortable.

"Sam, she probably doesn't wanna talk about it give her time. She just came out of her room for the first time in a week. So I bet the last thing she wants to talk about it's Peter" Bucky says. That's the first time I've heard his name out loud. Why do break ups have to hurt so much.

"Yeah you're probably right Buck" Steve says. I think they saw the hurt look on my face from hearing Peter's name. There is another awkward silence moment but Steve breaks it.

"Hey Y/n. Can I talk to you for a moment in private" he says looking at me.

"Um yeah sure" I respond. We get up from the living room and leave. Just as we walk out of the room Sam get a call from is his Sister.

"Heyyy Sarahhhhhhh" Bucky says. And just the by the way he said it I know he likes her. This is gonna end good. I think and laugh to myself.

Authors note: Hi Everyone, I'm sorry updates have been slow. I'm still in school and it has been stressful because we have been doing online learning. I am hoping to get chapters out sooner once I am out of school at the end of June. But thank you all so much for the support and I'm glad that you all enjoy reading my stories :))

Undying love (Peter Parker X Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz