chapter 2

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Y/n pov

I get into school and walk to my locker. I smile as I see my best friend Peter standing there waiting for me. "Hey Stark," he says smiling. " Hi, Parker you ready for our test today?" "We have a test. Oh no I didn't study I forgot about it!" He says starting to panic a bit. "Peter it's ok, you're like the smartest guy I know. I'm sure you'll be fine"

Peter's pov

I got to school early today so I decided to wait for y/n at her locker. After waiting for what seemed like forever I see y/n walking into the school. She looks up, sees me and smiles. Gosh her smile is cute I thought to myself as she approached her locker "Hey Stark" I say to her with a smile trying not to blush. "Hi, Parker you ready for our test today?" "We have a test. Oh no I didn't study I forgot about it!" I say in a panic "Peter it's ok, you're like the smartest guy I know. I'm sure you'll be fine" y/n says reassuring me. Y/n and I meet up with Ned and walk to class. We all have first period together y/n doesn't have the same second period with us, if I'm being honest it sucks not having every class with her. I've liked y/n since the 4th grade but I'm so far out of her league. I'd never have a chance.

Y/n pov

One class down. my next class is math. I hate math. it not that it hard its just boring and I don't have an interest for it. i would much rather have a class with Peter and Ned. I'm not really friends with anyone in this class. I mean there is Mj but me and her aren't close. I don't get why my dad wouldn't just keep me at home. I could easily be an Avenger. Me and spiderman talk all the time I'm sure he would would help me get the basics down when we go on missions. But my dad would rather send me to school. like I guess I like school cause I get to see Peter and Ned but thats like the only good thing about it. Me and Peter have been friends since kindergarten. He is so sweet and really cute. I've liked Peter since the 4th grade. These kids at school were teasing me and he basically stood up for me and told them to leave me alone. I'm to sure why in that moment i started to like him but him doing that just made something shift. I've wanted to tell Peter about my Powers and my crush on him but everytime i chicken out. there is no way that Peter likes me the same way. and i don't want him to be nervous around me cause i have powers.

Undying love (Peter Parker X Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora