chapter 19

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Y/n pov

We are at the avengers tower. We've come up with a plan to get the stones and the quantum time travel thing. I wasn't paying attention for when they named it. Everyone got assigned to a stone and then we went to the destinations we needed to go to. I'm with my dad Steve and Scott to get the space stone which is in the tesseract. We tried but it failed. My dad and steve came up with another idea " you don't have enough serum." Scott says "it's ok were going back to where it first started getting made. Y/n you go back with Scott. I'll see you soon" my dad says. Then next thing I knew I was back at the tower. Not long after we got back everyone else was back. Well everyone except Nat "Clint. Wheres Nat" Bruce asks Clint. He's clearly upset. And that's when I remember what Thanos told us what he had to do to get the soul stone " Omg no. Natasha" I start crying " she sacrificed herself for the soul stone didn't she." Clint nods his head. I fall releasing a huge wave of my powers out of me. I've lost Peter Wanda Sam Bucky and now Nat. What am I gonna do. My dad is hugging me. But now that we have all the stones we can bring everyone back that disappeared into the blip. That means hopefully Peter comes back.

*2 hours later*

We have a gauntlet made and the stone put into place. But now there is and argument about who is gonna snap their fingers. Eventually we settled on banner. He has a better chance at surviving it. He put the gauntlet on and he snaps his fingers. People start coming back popping up out of nowhere. It worked. It wor- BOOM! Theres and explosion. Thanos figured out what our plan was. Everyone gets split up in the tower. "Everyone ok?!" I yell " The basement is filling up with water down hear." Bruce says. "I'm on it" Scott says shrinking" I start searching for an exit. I finally make it out side and see my dad thor and Steve. Steve pretty beaten up. But then Sam's voice comes over the coms. " On your left " he says and we look over seeing portals opening from everywhere. Our family vs Thanos army. I look over to the far left and see. Quill, Mantis, Draxs Strange and Peter... I run over and jump into his arm "PETER OMG YOU'RE BACK" "strange said something about us being gone for 5 year and now you need our help even tho you didn't go into the blip how do you still look 16" "Long story short I went into a sleep chamber for 5 years. I woke up a month ago and didn't age while I was in my sleep." "wow so I'm still older then you" "still only by 2 hours. And I'd love to stay and talk but we've got some prune ass to kick" I says Peter laughs. God I've missed that laugh. Then we go over and stand with Steve. "Avengers Assemble!" He yells. And the fight. Begins...

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