chapter 10

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Peter's pov

"PETER HELP" y/n screams "Y/N" I'm say. I start feeling sleepy. I cover my mouth getting out of the smoke. "TONY. STEVE. NAT. ANYONE" I yell just getting away from the smoke. Tony rushes over to me he see the smoke filled room behind me. "Peter? Peter what happened? Where y/n?" "She's gone. Someone took her" I say starting to cry. Everyone heard me. Nat is giving me a side hug while I'm kneeling on the ground. "She gone. Like kidnapped?!" Tony stays trying not to lose his shit. "Hey we'll find her." Steve says to Tony. Steve then come and picks me up and brings us all to Tony's lab.

*4 weeks later*

Y/n pov

I'm in a dark room. I feel tight ropes around my wrists and ankles. "Someone help me!!" Moments later someone walked into the room. "You're finally awake. Miss. Stark."
" Let me go!" I yell trying to get my hands free. The man that entered the room looks tall. Muscular. "I haven't let you sleep for 4 weeks just to let you go. They know I'm coming and you are going to tell me where the person I need is." I get a glimpse of his face. His skin is purple. Wrinkley. Kinda looks like a prune. Its Thanos. "I'm not telling you anything Thanos" the lights turn on " I'll ask you this once where is the location on Wanda and Vision" I stay quiet. He snaps his fingers and a light starts blinking. It's a camera light. " Where are Wanda and Vision." "I don't know anything. I've been here for weeks." I feel a shock though my body "AAAAAHHH" " I'll ask again where are they!" "I don't know anything!!" The shock is stronger. " PETER AAAHHH" Thanos asks his question again. "WHERE ARE WANDA AND VISION!" I look towards the blinking light. Then look to him "even if I did know I wouldn't tell a monster like you. I'm sorry Peter. I'm sorry Dad. I'm sorry everyone." Tear steaming down my face from the pain I'm feeling. "I love you" I know this is getting a to them " Screw you. Thanos. My life doesn't mean anything compared to the world. So you have a better chance killing me then me telling you where they are." As I finish my sentence he shocks me again. "AAAAAHHHHhhhh" I pass out.

Tony's pov

It's been 4 weeks we are still looking for y/n. Peter hasn't slept he hasn't stopped looking for her. I'm scanning for any sign of her. And I receive and anonymous video clip. I open it and I see y/n. "GUYS I'VE GOT SOMETHING" Peter is the first one to get in the lab everyone close behind once everyone in in the room I play the video. " Where are Wanda and Vision." Thanos says "I don't know anything. I've been here for weeks. AAAAAHHH" tears forming in her eyes " I'll ask again where are they!" "I don't know anything! PETER AAAHHH" Thanos asks his question again. Y/n has tear streaming down her face. I swear I'll kill him when I find him "WHERE ARE WANDA AND VISION!" She looks at the camera then looks away "even if I did know I wouldn't tell a monster like you. I'm sorry Peter. I'm sorry Dad. I'm sorry everyone." Tears steaming down her face "I love you, Screw you Thanos. My life doesn't mean anything compared to the world. So you have a better chance killing me then me telling you where they are. There's a pause then her screams "AAAAAHHHHhhhh" " Turn it off turn it off!" Peter weakly says crying. I look around. Everyone is crying. Including myself. "Can we track the video?" Bucky says Bruce walks over and pins a location. "I've got her" Peter jumps up "I'm going with you and before you say no I'm fine to go." I nod my head "alright every suit up me Steve and Peter will go. The rest of you are on stand by." Everyone nods. "Let's go get our girl"

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