chapter 21

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Tony's pov

It's been 2 weeks. Y/n keeps crashing. I'm scared I'm really scared I don't wanna lose her. We all can't lose her. Morgan comes once a week to talk to her. I've told her that y/n can't hear her but she is want to talk to her anyways. I can tell Morgan misses her. She's been getting along with Peter. I think them both missing her and how close they are too her helps them comfort eachother. Peter hasn't left wakanda. He's always close by. I've tried to get him to go home but he refuses. May knows he's here and Happy gives her updates pretty often. I think he has a thing for her but I haven't asked yet. "Peter I'm gonna go see Pepper and Morgan if anything happens let me know immediately" he nods " yes of course Mr.Stark, say hi to Pepper and Morgan for me" "will do kid" I activate my suit and head home.

Peter's pov

Y/n is still sleeping. I miss her voice her laugh her smile. Her kisses and hugs. I miss her. She healed up. Theres no more cuts or bruises on her. She's just been crashing. I go sit beside her a take her hand."hey y/n. Tony says you can't hear us but if you can listen to me. I love you y/n you make me so happy. And I um I miss you. I need you. Please please please wake up." I lean over her a kiss her lips. I get up and leave the room. "P-Peter?" " I turn around I've gotta be hearing things "Peter?" I go over to y/n "y/n?" "Omg Peter" "Y/n! Thank god you're ok. I thought I had lost you" "oh peter you really think I'd let you go that easy. Plus you really sounded like you needed me." She could hear us the whole time. " you heard that." "Yeah you said if I could hear you then listen so that's what I did" "thank you for coming back. I really do need you. All of us do. Speaking of all of us I gotta tell your dad you're awake"

*On the phone*

Me: Heyy Mr.Stark

Tony: Hey kid what's up

Me: It's y/n. She's awake

Tony: Okay I'll be right over with Pepper and Morgan see you soon

Me: See you soon

*end of call*

"You're dad is coming. He's bringing Pepper and Morgan" "Omg Morgan I can't image what she was going through. I can't image what you all went though" she's crying now. "Hey hey hey. You saved us. You saved the world Y/n" I hug her and she calms down.

Y/n pov

Morgan runs in though the door way "Y/N!!" She yells peter moves out of the way and she jumps into my arms. "Aah ouch" "I'm sorry y/n" "it's ok Morgan I just need sometime to feel better" "Y/n you're ok thank goodness you're father has been going crazy" I giggle "I missed you to mom" she came over and hugged me and Morgan for a minute then she picked up Morgan. "Y/n Stark. Please don't ever scare me like that again" "sorry dad, but I couldn't lose you. So I did what I knew I could do. Plus strange told me the chance of you surviving was very unlikely and if I were too snap there was more chance I'd live compared to yours so." "Y/n. Just don't scare me like that. I love you to much sweetheart." "I love you too dad. Where is everyone else by the way." "They're on their way. They should be here any minute"

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