chapter 20

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Peter's pov

"Avengers Assemble!" Cap yells. The fight begins.

"NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO KEEP THAT GAUNTLET AWAY FROM THANOS" I hear Tony yell. It's getting passed around between person to person.T'challa (black panther) passes it to me. I'm swinging with it keeping it away until someone hits me down. A lady come down beside me

"I'll take that" I look up and see that its Captain Marvel

"I don't know how you're gonna get it over there" then all the other girl come up behind her

"well she's not alone" they say I unison. I stand up and give her the gauntlet. I see wanda go to Thanos attacking him. For everyone else that didn't blip it's been 5 years since Vision died but for her it's only been 10 seconds. Then she's gets thowen back and Thanos has the gauntlet now. Him and tony are there. Y/n flying above. They're fighting but once Tony is far away Thanos snaps. Nothing happens. Y/n is doing something with her powers the stones comings away from Tony. Tony must have used the nano tech to make a gauntlet

"I am ironman" Tony says and snaps. But again nothing happen. I look up to y/n she copied her dads nano gauntlet with her suit and she has the stones. I know what shes going to do.

"Y/N PLEASE DON'T DO THIS I JUST GOT YOU BACK PLEASE" Tony hears me yelling then looks at her

"Honey please don't do this. Think about Morgan and Peter and everyone else. They need you."

"Morgan needs you. Pepper needs you. The avengers need you. Peter needs you. I am thinking about Morgan and everyone else and I'm doing this for them. Peter I'm doing this for you your Aunt May Ned MJ literally everyone. The world will be ok if I die. But they still need Tony Stark. They need ironman they Peter Parker. They need spiderman." Y/n says to us. Then she looks around to everyone

" I AM Y/N STARK. IM A DAUGHTER. A GIRLFRIEND A FRIEND AND IM SO HAPPY IM APART OF THIS FAMILY. I LOVE YOU. I- I LOVE YOU 3000." Then she snaps her finger. And starts to fall to the ground.

"Y/N NO" I run over and catch her Tony rushing to my side. Before tony gets here I hear y/n say something to me.

"I love you Peter. Stay safe." Then Tony's here

"F.R.I.D.A.Y heart beat status" he says.

"Its weak but there. Internal injuries found. 50% chance of survival." She says back to us

"Peter get her to wakanda now" Steve says looking at how beat up y/n. Wakanda has the best medical care. I don't hesitate I bring her there they start helping her. I need her I just got her back I don't wanna lose her again.

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