chapter 3

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Peter's pov

It's the end of the day, I've spidey stuff to do basically for the rest of the night. Ned knows about me being spiderman but y/n doesn't. I haven't told her yet, I know I can trust her but she and spiderman aka me have gotten kinda close that way and I want to see if maybe I can see if she likes me and then be like SURPRISE it's me, Peter Parker. I'm also just nervous that once she figures out that I'm spiderman Mr.Stark isn't going to like us being so close and by close, I mean not close enough to his eyesight. Mr.Stark is very protective over y/n.

Y/n pov

school is over. I decided I just wanted to go home and not hang out with Peter and Ned today. When I got home there was a message from my dad. Friday told me it when I opened the door. "Hello, y/n your father along with the other Avengers are on a mission, they hope to be home soon. they could be gone for a day or two." " ok thanks, Friday" I walk over to the fridge and I hear Friday say something else. " Your father also said that if you need someone Spiderman is still around so just tell me and ill contact him" I liked hanging out with Spiderman. Peter usually ends up leaving me and Ned all the time. I miss hanging out with Peter I wish he wasn't so busy. But even though I don't know who spiderman is I still feel like I can trust him. I wanted to tell Friday to ask Spiderman to come over but I also didn't want him to think something bad happened so I didn't.

A few hours have gone by, I've just been playing on my phone. Then I heard a tap on my window and looked up to see Spiderman. I open my window and let him into my room. "Hey, Spider-boy" I could tell that he didn't like being called spider-boy. "Hey, y/n. Also, it's Spiderman, not Spider-boy" I couldn't help but laugh. " So what brings you here" " I just wanted to see how you were doing saying that you are home by yourself," he said, for a moment he sounded kinda familiar but I ignored it. " Yeah I'm doing good thanks for asking" Spiderman and I sat in my room for a bit and I got an idea. Dad never let me do anything that could involve my powers being used. But he isn't home to tell me not to. " Spidy wanna do something that we haven't done before, it should be fun" I asked getting up and opening my bedroom door. "what is it you had in mind?" he asked seeming to be intrigued. "follow me, and I'll show you" we both left my room and I led him to the training room. "what are we doing here y/n" he asked somewhat confused. without answering I lightly hit him with a chair using my telekinesis then shoot a small power ball at him, which made him fall over.

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