"Hey..." Lisa mumbled sheepishly looking down..

"Hey..." I responded smiling at her. My eyes turned to meet her brown sad eyes and even with out talking, we knew that this is what's for the best.

"You take care there okay? And enjoy your stay there Lili." I mumbled flashing her a faint smile while I stare at the person who I once knew so well, but now I don't seem to know anymore.

I always thought that our relationship would return to normal since we we're able to salvage what's left for us. That being her family and friend would suffice for the emptiness she feels inside but I guess I was wrong.

Her traumas were too painful that no amount of comfort and love can ever take it away.

It's a wound that I guess will never heal.

And this thought breaks my heart even more, knowing how Lisa used to be the person with the lowest tolerance for pain.

A simple heat, or a small ant bite is all it takes and Lisa would instantly cry out of pain.

That's how much of a whiner she is back then.

And it scares me..

Cause now I stand in front of a completely different person.

A person with a storm raging inside her chest.

A person who had lost a family, a home and a part of her soul but here she is, never shedding even a single fuckin tear.

She's dead inside but she's barely holding on because of me, the person she loves the most.

And it kills me inside cause I am supposed to love her fully no matter what....

But here I am, standing in front of her, too guilty of the fact that I can never look at her same way again.

And my heart reeks with so much guilt cause I fell for someone else, right when she needed me the most.

Tell me? what could be more painful than that?

"Hey, Jen-Jen, don't cry please?"

"It's breaking my heart leaving you like this." I heard Lisa whispered softly as she wrap me in her arms.

"I'm so sorry..For everything." I mumbled almost choking from the sobs that continued to escape my lips.

"Sssshhhhhhh. Don't say that Babe." Lisa whispered sadly.

"It was never your fault." she said softly and cupped my cheeks while she stares at me with such love that I know I can never deserve.

"I'm sorry that we have to go through this Jen. I know it doesn't make sense today but I know someday it will." she said sincerely as she flash a sweet smile, trying to look so brave.

I snuggled closer to her and let myself melt into her arms again while Irene just watched us sadly from behind.

"Let's go back to where we were before Lisa."

"You know I'll take you back anytime."

"Just come back to me Babe. We don't have to live like this."

" Life has been so hard for you, and I don't want you to keep going on like this all by yourself." I mumbled tearing up and I can feel Lisa's arms tightened and her body starts to shake from the emotions she can no longer contain.

Jensoo- Love InevitablyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu