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I was so happy when I woke up this morning. My period finally came on. Thank, God. I was scared shitless. I've never been so happy to have my period. No baby for Leah. I was already dressed and ready for school. I went downstairs, seeing my father drinking a cup of coffee at the kitchen table.

"Morning, Daddy." I kissed his cheek.

"Morning, baby." He replied.

"Where's Mama?" I questioned as I poured up some cereal.

"Still in the bed sleeping."

I joined him at the table and ate my cereal.

"You work today?"

He shook his head. "No, I'm off today."

"I get to see you when I get home."

He nodded and gave a small smile. "Yes, you do."

I finished eating my cereal and washed my bowl. I kissed my father's cheek.

"Bye, Daddy I'll see you when I get home." I got my book bag and keys.

"Have a good day." He called as I left out of the house.

I got in my car and left for school.


After my first half of classes, I caught up with Will during lunch period. I pulled him to the side in the hall, where we could receive a lil bit of privacy.

"Did you take the test?" He whispered.

"Didn't need to. My cycle came on this morning." I cheesed.

"I see you're happy about that." He replied.

"Of course, I am."

"You're not coming in the cafe, angel?" Tasha came up to us.

"Yeah, we'll be there in a second." I told her.

"Are you okay? You left out of my house in a hurry yesterday."

"Yeah, I'm fine."

She nodded and left, going into the cafe.

"You ready to go in?" I asked Will.

"I really don't want to. I don't wanna see Danny's face." He replied, annoyed.

I kissed his cheek. "Don't worry about him. Let's eat." I grabbed his hand and led him into the cafe.


I walked into the cafe and all eyes were trained on me. This happened in every class I had today. People would just stare and mumble. I guess people were still thinking about the fight. Oh well, they got to get over it someday.

We grabbed our food and sat at the lunch table with Tasha. I looked at my usual lunch table as the twins and Danny were just talking. Danny and I exchanged some looks, but never said anything to each other.

This was my first time seeing his face since the fight. He had a couple cuts and bruises, but nothing too serious from what I saw.

As I ate my lunch, I watched as Kani walked to their table and sat next to Danny. Just watching them together made me cringe. I watched as she kissed his cheek. It just pissed me off.

"Will, you okay?" Leah asked.

"Yeah, it just pisses me off that he does this every time."

"Watch, he's going to want you next cause you're with me." I added.

"The day I like Danny is the day I kiss Tasha, which will never happen." Leah giggled.

"Never say never, angel." Tasha smirked.

"Never!" Leah rolled her eyes.

I couldn't help, but stare at their table. My so called best friend with another ex. It was annoying.

"She's probably just using him anyway." Leah shrugged her shoulders.

"What you mean?"

"You can tell she still likes you and she thinks you like her too. If she gets with your best friend, it might just be to make you feel a type of way."

"I can see that happening. Nobody wants Danny's scrawny ass." Tasha added.

"Look at the coincidence, she went straight to Danny, your closest friend, but then again she's a hoe soo.." She trailed off, eating my fries.

"Don't you have food?" I raised my brow.

"Yeah, but I want yours and you're gonna give it to me." She slightly bit her lip.

"I can give you more than food."

"Oh, really?" She asked with a smirk.

"Do y'all need me to go? Or are y'all gonna fuck on the table?" Tasha joked.

"Shut up, Tasha." Leah rolled her eyes.

"You want to hang out tonight? I don't have work."

"No, not tonight I already told my dad I'll be home after school, but I got you next time."

"Okay." I replied back.

We sat and enjoyed the rest of our lunch. Her and Tasha going back and forth was the funniest thing to me. Their friendship was so weird, but I see why they're best friends. They feed off of each other. If only my friendship with Danny was like that.


The final bell rung, indicating that school was over. I gathered my things and left class. I went to my locker and put my books in there.

"Hey." Danny came up to me and kissed my cheek.

I cringed on the inside. I didn't know how much longer I could keep this act up. I wanted this plan to go quickly and guessing by Danny and Will's fight, it's working. I just have to step it up a notch.

"Hey, how's your face?" I asked.

Although I felt nothing for Danny, I still felt bad for the kid. He did get his ass beat in front of the whole school.

"It's healing. You wanna come over after your practice?" He asked.

I wanted to say no, but I have to keep playing this lil act.


"Alright, see you later." He said, walking away.


"That wasn't good at all! Do it again!" Stacy yelled.

"You heard her. Again!" Leah shouted.

I rolled my eyes. I couldn't stand her. It's whatever though, I'll have Will again soon.

The other cheerleaders and I did the routine once again. We've been practicing for a good hour now. Shit, I needed a break. Once we were done, the captain and co captain stood in front of us.

"That was okay, could be better. Y'all can go on break." Stacy replied.

I went to my gym bag and grabbed my Gatorade. I took a sip from it.

"They're working our asses tonight." A girl stated.

"Yeah." I watched Leah and Stacy talk.

"You're with Danny now, right?" She asked.

"Something like that."

"How is he?"

"He's okay." I kept it short.

"Will really did a number on him."

I rolled my eyes, not wanting to talk.

"Yeah." I stated, vaguely.

"Do you think-" She got cut off.

"Okay, ladies break's over. Let's get back to work!" Leah shouted.

I rolled my eyes as I put my drink back in my bag. I got back in formation, ready to get practice over with.

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