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It was the next day and Ms. Jones had us in our groups, working on our projects. After doing much thinking last night, I was finally able to put together my piece of the project.

I was still uncomfortable working with William and his bitch, Kani, but work has to get done. I refuse to get a failing grade because of them.

While they were working on their sections, I texted Dre. I didn't have shit else to do and I damn sure wasn't going to associate with these fools in my group, so I decided to text my newly found friend to past the time by until my group members were done.

 I didn't have shit else to do and I damn sure wasn't going to associate with these fools in my group, so I decided to text my newly found friend to past the time by until my group members were done

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I was so engrossed in my phone, when someone cleared their throat. I looked up to see William and his hoe looking at me. I guess they were done with their work. Kani had a look of annoyance on her face, but I didn't care.

Fuck that bitch. She better not try me this morning. I placed my phone down and waited for one of them to speak.

"Y'all niggas gone sit and stare at me or y'all gone say some shit." I stated as I grew annoyed.

I didn't have time for fuckery. I sat back in my seat and waited for one of them to speak.


Last class, we separated our project into three parts, but I really didn't work on my part, so I was a lil behind schedule in class today. I looked at Kani and she was working on her part too. I got a glimpse of Leah and she was over here smiling hard as fuck at her phone. She probably was done as usual when we have projects.

That's one thing I've always admired about her. She always got her work done early and on time. I'm the complete opposite. I take forever and do things at the last minute.

Leah was probably on her phone talking to that girl she always be with. Whoever she was texting, it was distracting. I cleared my throat to get her attention and of course she gave attitude back.

"I'm done with my part."

"Me too." Kani replied.

"About time, damn." Leah said with an attitude. "Anyway, my part is about vegetables." She added.

"My part is about fruit." I responded.

"Wait, my part is about vegetables too. She got to do hers over." Kani retorted.

"I ain't doing shit over. I was done first bitch, not my fault you ain't ask." Leah said, unbothered.

"I ain't doing shit over!" Kani shouted.

The whole class started to look back at our group. Even, Ms. Jones was giving us a death stare.

"Okay...okay...let's not cause a scene today." I rubbed my head like I had a headache.

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