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I walked into Jenny's, already knowing where the gang were at. They were always so loud and when I say they I mean Brayden.

I went over to their table. "Wassup."

"What are you fucking wearing, bro?" Brayden asked as he laughed.

"A dashiki."

"But, why?" Danny asked.

"Because I'm black and I'm proud damn it." I put my fist in the air.

A table next to us were other African American teenagers and they joined in by also putting their fists in the air. Soon, everybody had theirs in the air as well.

"This is cool. I wanna be apart of this." Danny said excitedly, throwing his fist in the air.

People around the restaurant got quiet and started to look at him weird and make comments under their breath.

"Maybe, we should stop." I pulled Danny's hand down.

He looked around at all the disapproving stares and looked back at our table with a face of disappointment.

"Let's change the the convo up shall we?" Aiden asked.

"Yeah, someone play some music!" I yelled out loud.

The restaurant that was once silent erupted with music, conversation, and laughter. Hopefully, this doesn't make Danny feel any type of way.


Please, God. I whispered to myself, hoping my car would start, but, with all hope and pleading it wouldn't budge. I sighed as I stepped out my car and opened the hood. I had no idea about cars. Shit, I was clueless as hell.

"Ughhh!" I gasped out in frustration. "Piece of shit!"

A boy was walking by, so I decided to ask for help.

"Um, excuse me." I called out to him.

He looked in my direction and I walked over to him. Hopefully, he knows how to fix this problem.

"Yeah?" He answered.

"My car won't start and I was hoping you knew anything at all to fix it."

"Yeah, I know a lil something about cars. I can help you."

I clasped my hands together . "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you."

"Under one condition."

A frown formed on my face. "What?"

"What you gone do for me beautiful?" He eyed me up and down and bit his lip.

My frown grew deeper. "I'm sorry, what now?"

"Come on, ma I don't do favors for free."

I scrunched my face. "Nigga, you got me fucked up on God."

He smacked his lips. "Well, forget you then."

"Forget you, creep."

"Good luck getting your car to start." He laughed as he walked away.

I rolled my eyes and walked back towards my car. I got back in it and tried to start it again, hoping to have some type of miracle, but nope. Luck wasn't on my side.



"Hold on, I'm gonna go to the restoom real quick." I said to the gang.

"Okay." They all said in unison.

On my way to the bathroom, I kept hearing this weird noise in the parking lot, which sounded like someone's car wouldn't start. I peeked out the window to see Leah standing by her car with a frustrated expression on her face.

I minded my business and I continued my walk to the restroom. That wasn't my problem and she wasn't my friend, but then again, I'm not that mean. If she needed help, I'd be nice enough to lend a helping hand.

I remember one Summer I spent with my dad in Pennsylvania, we worked on cars a lot as a hobby. Therefore, I'm pretty sure I can fix this problem. I went outside and over to her car, seeing her sitting in the driver's seat. I lightly tapped on her window.

She rolled it down. "Can I help you, William?" She asked with an attitude.

"Wow, you haven't said my whole name since I've known you. That must mean you really don't like me." I laughed.

"Whatever, what do you want?" she asked, getting aggravated.

"I saw that you couldn't start your car, so I'm here to help." I sent her a cheesy smile.

She looked me up and down. "I'm good. I don't need anything from you."

"Come on, let me help you out just this one time. Once upon a time ago, we were good friends. Actually, great friends. Best friends to be exact and now we act like we're complete strangers. I think we deserve to at least be cordial with each other. Now, pop the hood, Leah." I walked to the front of the car.


I got out of the car and stood against the driver's side door, watching him get to work. Damn, even while working on a car, he looked sexy as hell. Something about a guy coming to your rescue, just does something to you.

I studied his face as he tried to fix the problem. He looked so focus. This boy was so fine it made no sense. It should be a sin to be this fine. The way he look right now had me thinking thoughts I shouldn't be.

As I watched him, I paid attention to every little detail about him. The vain that popped out the side of his forehead. The way his arms flexed. How his jaw clenched and unclenched. Damn, I could do so ma...focus Leah.

I guess I could make conversation while I'm standing here. Here goes nothing. "So, how you've been?" He glanced up at me before looking back down into the hood of my car.

"I've been straight."

Straight. That was a very bland answer. Oh, well it's better than nothing I guess.

"How you been?" He asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Uh, I've been....well." He looked at me again before continuing his focus on my car.

"I see you're hanging with the new girl now." I stated.

"Yeah, I am."

I looked off into the distance. Grandma's words instantly hit me. Lee, you will never be happy until you tell Will how you feel. 

Well, it's now or never, Leah. I thought.

"Will, I-"

"We're going out actually."

"Going out?" I restated in a question, so that I heard correctly.

"Yeah." He confirmed. And just like that my heart shattered.

"Done." He said as he closed the hood.

"Thanks...I'll see you at school." I stated. And in an instant, I got in my car and went home with tears streaming down my face.

After taking a shower, I put on my pjs, and cried in my bed. I cried until there weren't any tears left and soon afterwards I fell into a deep sleep.

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