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~A Week Later~


It's been a week since I've seen Leah. She hasn't been to school and I was a lil worried. I know I haven't been the best of friend to her, but I intend to make it right.

School was just about over and I was happy about that cause I needed to see my best friend. I was in my last class of the day, waiting for the bell to ring.

Minutes later, it rung and I was out the door. I got to the student parking lot going to my car. From the corner of my eye, that bitch Leah fought a while back, was talking to that Andre dude.

They were mighty close to each other as they talked near his car. What I saw next, shocked the hell out of me. They were in a full blown make out session.

"Ah, shit." I got my phone out and took many pictures as well as recorded a video.

I laughed to myself. "You will be exposed, you lil hoe." I got into my car and drove to Leah's house.

I got there and knocked on the door. Leah opened it and walked away. I let myself in and closed the door behind me. I went into the living room and saw her lying on the couch, using her laptop.



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I sat across from her, feeling awkward.

"Hey, bestie." I said, trying to break the ice.

She cut her eyes at me. Just by her expression, I wanted to run out the door. Her gaze turned back to her laptop. The room filled with silence with the exception of whatever she was watching on her laptop.

I sighed as I played with my fingers. "I can take you yelling and cursing me out, but I can't take you ignoring me."

She paused whatever she was watching and looked at me. Her eyes were like fire burning a whole into me. Nervousness washed over me quickly.

"Like how you were ignoring me?" She questioned with her eyebrow raised.

"Leah...I didn't mean to."

"You didn't mean to?" She questioned in a sarcastic tone.

"No, I didn't."

She laughed. "Cut the shit, Natasha. Matter of fact, get the fuck out. You're starting to piss me off." She said in an irritated tone.

"No, I wanted to see you."

"You saw me, now you can go." She got up and opened the front door.

I stood up and walked over to her. She had her arms folded across her chest.

"Angel, please I'm sorry." I pleaded.

"You can let yourself out." She responded, walking into the kitchen.

I shut the front door and followed her. She was eating an apple.

"Leah, I'm sorry okay? I admit that I was so wrapped up in Katie that I-" I got cut off when the apple she was eating was flying towards me. I quickly dodged it.

"Fuck you, Tasha. You ain't shit! I'm tired of the same old ass cycle with you! It never fails! Every time you get a new bitch, it's fuck Leah. I'm sick of it!" She yelled.

"It won't happen again...ang-" I started, but got cut off again.

"You say that bullshit ass lie every time and you still do the same shit! I'm supposed to be your best friend, Tasha. You're supposed to be my bitch!" She shouted.

"I am!" I yelled back.

She shook her head. "Nah, you're not. I fucking called and texted you, Tasha. You didn't respond. I needed you!" She yelled as hot tears fell from her eyes.

I lowered my head as I ran my hand through my hair. "I fucked up, but I'm here now." I stated, looking at her.

Damn, looking at her right now broke my heart.

"Grandma died, Tasha. She's gone and where were you?! All boo'd up with your bitch! I needed you and you weren't there!" She screamed as she broke down.

"What?!" I questioned, shocked.

I couldn't believe this. Grandma J was gone? No, it couldn't be. It just couldn't be, but it was true. I just couldn't grasp the fact. I walked towards her and hugged her as tight as I could with tears of my own pouring.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I repeated.


Hours after our moment, we sat in her room.

"I can't believe she's gone."

"Yeah, me either." Leah said.

"When's the funeral?" I questioned.

"The day after tomorrow."

"I'm there." I said.

She nodded and looked off.

"Let's switch topics. Have you spoke to that guy you've been hanging with?"

"No, I've been busy, why?"

"Check this out." I pulled up the pics and video I took on my phone and showed them to her.

"Wow, I knew she was a hoe. Poor William. Shit, I can't believe I liked the guy. He's fucking with the enemy. Shaking my head." She said, nonchalantly.

"Are you going to tell Will?" I questioned.

"Although it's not my place, I'll tell him." She replied with a shrug.

I smirked at her.

"What?" She questioned.

"You still like him." I stated with a chuckle.

"What, no. William just doesn't need to be played. That's all."

"Why do you care?"

"He's a good guy." She shrugged again.

"Admit that you still care for him." I said with a laugh.

"I won't admit anything because I don't." She said, nonchalantly.

"Admit it angel. You still care for the kid. You still careeeeee."

A small grin plastered across her face. "Okay, okay maybe I do." She smiled small.

"Maybeeee...hmmm." I stated.

"Fine, I do still care for the boy." She smiled rolling her eyes.

"I knew it!" I shouted.

"Whatever, just send me those pics and video as evidence." She said as she hit me with a pillow.

I sent them to her and grabbed a pillow and hit her back. Next thing, we were in an all out pillow fight. Minutes later, we tired ourselves out and plopped back on the bed.

"I love you angel." I said with a smile.

She looked at me and returned the smile. "I love you too."

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