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~Christmas Eve~

It's the day before Christmas and I've been thinking about what Danny said about talking to my pops. I haven't spoken to him in a while and to hit him with this type of news was scary. I've been pacing back and forth in my room for a while and I finally decided to call him.

I picked up my phone and called him.


"Hey, Pops."

"Hey, I haven't heard from you in a while. I thought you forgot about your old man out here." He chuckled.

"Nah, I've just been a lil busy with school, ball, and drama."

"Drama? What do you mean drama? Do I have to come over there and fuck somebody up?" He asked, concerned.

"Nah, Pops I got everything handled over here."

"Okay, good. How's your mom?"

"She's good."

"She still works like crazy? We all know she loves her job."

"Actually, she's been taking it easy for once." I sat on my bed.

"That's surprising. She never stops working unless something's wrong. I hope that's not the case."

"Well.... something did happen-"

"I heard some boy got shot in your school parking lot. Did you know him? Were you around? I never got his name."

"Yeah...well actually Dad...that was-"

"I hope you didn't have to witness something like that. Seeing something like that can really mess you up mentally."

He just continued to talk about the shooting, not knowing that it was me that was involved. I wanted to leave it alone, but I knew I had to tell him.

"Dad!" I shouted, interrupting him.

"It was me." I mumbled.

"What you say?"

"It was me, Pops. I was the one that got shot."

The phone went completely silent for a few minutes. I could only imagine what he was thinking.

"Wait, you got shot and you're just now telling me? Where's your mother?! How could she not tell me my son got hurt?! Are you okay? How are you feeling?!" He questioned with panic in his voice.

"I'm fine. I was in a coma, but-"

"A coma?! You were in a fucking coma and I didn't know?! I'm coming over there right now!" He shouted.

"Pops, no...listen."

"Fuck that! I need to see that you're okay. See this is why you should've came to live with me. You're coming to live with me. I don't care if I got to take your mother to court." He continued to shout.

"Dad! Shut up!" I screamed.

The phone went silent.

"I got into a fight with my teammate and he pulled a gun. We tussled and the gun went off. I got shot and lost a lot of blood, which put me in a coma for a few days."

"But, I'm fine now. I'm home and I feel better than ever. I still have to take it easy, but I'm handling it. Mom stays home a lot to make sure I'm good. We have it handled over here." I added.

"I'm just pissed that y'all didn't tell me."

"I get that and I apologize for you not finding out sooner, but we didn't want this reaction you're giving right now."

"How am I supposed to act, Will? You could've died! What if-"

"I didn't die though, pops. I'm fine and we're good over here. You don't have to come. Spend your holiday with your people over there and then we can work on me coming to visit eventually."

"Alright, but if anything changes, ANYTHING, you better tell me." He said, sternly.

"Ight, I'm going to take a shower. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Alright, love you son."

"Love you too, Pops." I replied before hanging up.

I didn't need to take a shower. I just needed to get off of the phone. He reacted the exact way I thought he would. Hopefully, when I visit him he could see that I'm fine.

I wasn't about to let that phone call ruin my mood though. Christmas was tomorrow and I couldn't wait to see Leah and give her the promise ring.


I was in my room, wrapping Will's gift, when my mom walked in.

"Hey." She greeted with a warm smile.


"What are you up to?"

"Nothing, just wrapping up Will's gift."

"I think he's going to love the watch."

"We'll see."

"What's wrong?"

"It's just...Will and I have grown closer than before and feelings have resurfaced. I'm afraid that we'll have a repeat of last time." I replied, honestly.

That was the truth. I was really afraid of putting my heart on the line and having it crushed again. My feelings for Will never disappeared. They were always there. They started to resurface after we became friends again.

"Oh, hunny I'm sure things will be different this time around."

"I don't know." I sighed.

"Have you guys talked about your feelings for each other?"


"Don't you think you should?"

"We were supposed to, but haven't gotten to it yet."

"Well, when y'all do, you both need to be completely honest with each other and be on the same page with one another."

"Yeah." I sighed.

"Listen, if it's meant to be it'll be." She pulled me into a hug.

I smiled in her embrace as I hugged her back.

"Thanks, Mama." We pulled apart.

"You're welcome, now come help me with dinner." She got up and left my room.

I followed behind her with a more positive mindset. She's right. If Will and I are meant to be we'll be. I went into the kitchen and helped my mom with dinner.

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