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~Friday Morning, English Class~


I sat at my desk, eating a pop tart as I listened to music and waited for class to start. I gotten a text from Kani, saying that she was going to be running late. Great! Not only is the project due, but I have to practice and go over it with Leah by myself. This would be interesting.

Five minutes later, Leah walked in and sat in the desk next to me.

"Good morning." I said with a cheesy smile.

She looked at me and rolled her eyes. "Morning." She responded, plainly.

"Ready to go over this project one more time before we turn it in?"

"Yeah, where's your lil bitch at?" She asked, unbothered.

"Why you always gotta call her a bitch? You can't be a lil nice? " I took out a pencil.

"Fine, where that chick at? Better?" She asked with a fake smile.

"Yeah, I guess, but she's running late."

"Of course, she'd run late on the day it's due. Typical bitc....I mean chick shit."

"Whatever, it's fine. We can go over it one more time before we hand it in. So, is the order of fruit, vegetables, and exercise good?"

"Yeah, I still think we should've did our project on junk food, but whatever." She shrugged.

"Junk food? You and your junk food, shame." I shook my head.

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Your ass always eating some junk food." I laughed.

"Haha, acting like you know me. I don't even eat junk food like that." She said with a fake attitude.

"Your ass been eating junk food since the first time we worked together." I retorted.

"The first time we worked together? Wow, you remember that?" She laughed.

"Hell yeah, I remember that. Who wouldn't?"


We were in History class and we had a project about describing a president of our choice. We had to do a report and draw our own picture. The report was a breeze since Leah did most of it. She was good with writing since it always flowed for her. For me, I always got stuck, but I was a great artist when it came to drawing and painting.

I had this awesome painting of Abraham Lincoln for our project and it was ruined by what? Hot Cheetos and cookie crumbs. Leah always had some type of junk food in class. We got a B- on the project because I couldn't get the crumbs off.

~End of Flashback~

"Listen, I be hungry and chips and cookies are good and cheap." She shrugged.

"Well, it cost our ass an A+."

She started laughing so hard. " No, that ugly ass picture had cost us an A+."

"Ohhh, word? My Abraham was ugly? Now, that's crazy. Hurt my feelings and shit." I said with a fake, sad face.

"Boy, you don't have feelings, so shut up." She playfully hit my shoulder.

This was the first conversation we had that was pretty good since the whole stupid fallout and all the other drama. It was a nice change of space for us. We sat and went over the project. We laughed and joked the entire time. The class was getting ready to end and we had already turned in our project. We started packing up our belongings, when Kani walked through the door.

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