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It's been a few days since I've been to school and to be honest I ain't care. I didn't care about school, ball, or my friends. I didn't care about anything really. It was feeling all too much.

I haven't felt like doing anything in the past few days. I haven't been eating or sleeping. I just lay in bed all day, getting in my own head. Like, right now,
my mind is clouded with thoughts. I just feel so fucked up.

I thought about if Kani really is cheating on me. Is it something I did? Did I not try hard enough? Is Danny just making stuff up to break us up? Then, I thought about Leah. If I didn't fuck shit up with her, what would I be doing right now? Would we be a couple? Would we still be best friends?

Then, I thought deeper. What if my mom works all these hours, so she doesn't have to put up with me. Does she want to avoid me? Does she not love me enough to be home? Is this the reason why my dad really left? Did he not want to put up with me either?

What if I just wasn't here? Would that make a difference? If I died today, would my friends even care? Would they even miss me or would they just go on with their lives as I become a lost memory?

I thought about all of this with no one to really talk to. No one to understand me. No one to comfort me. I just feel alone and not only does these feelings piss me off, but they make me feel depressed. It makes me feel miserable, hopeless, useless, displeasing, and so much more.

I'm feeling so many different things right now that it hurts. My body is starting to turn numb and I have no idea what to do. What the fuck am I going to do?


"Okay, girls practice is over. Ya'll can go." I stated, dismissing the cheerleaders.

I walked over to the bleachers and grabbed my gym bag, when I heard a deep voice.


I turned my head and mentally rolled my eyes at the person. This nigga.

"Hey." I stated as Andre stood in front of me.

"Wassup, I haven't talked to you in a minute." He stated with a smile.

"Yeah, I've been busy. I had death in my family."

His smiled turned into a frown.

"I'm sorry. How are you holding up? Is your family okay?" He asked in a concerned tone.

"Yeah, I'm okay and they're okay too. We're just taking it one day at a time."

"Good, listen, how about I take you out tonight? It's been a while and I want to spend time with you." He suggested.

I could see William's hoe in my peripheral vision, giving me a dirty look. I ignored her and focused on Dre.

"I'm sorry, Dre but I have to decline."

"Why? I'm feeling you beautiful and I can't stop thinking about our kiss."

Once he said that, a loud voice ruptured throughout the gym.

"Kiss?!" The voice shouted.

We turned our attention to Kani, who looked quite shocked.

"Yes, bitch a kiss." I stated, rolling my eyes.

"Y'all kissed?" She asked in a shocked tone.

"Why does it matter? Don't you have a nigga to worry about?" I questioned with my arms folded.

She just stood there and glared at Andre then at me. Andre looked uncomfortable as he shifted his weight.

"My nigga is fine." She said matter of factly.

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