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I screamed as Will's lifeless body laid on the ground. He was bleeding out. I rushed over to him and placed my hands on his chest, applying pressure to his wound in order to stop it from bleeding.

"Somebody call a fucking ambulance!" I shouted.

"Leah!" Tasha shouted.

I looked up at her. "Call 911! Hurry up, damn it!" I yelled.

Tasha quickly took out her phone and made the call.

I looked down at Will with teary eyes.

"Just hang in there, Will." I told him.

Moments later, the basketball team and cheerleaders were here.

Danny and them rushed over.

"What happened?!" He yelled, looking down at his friend.

"He got shot!" I shouted back.

"Shit!" I heard one of the twins say.

"Where's the fucking ambulance?!" I yelled.

"Help is on the way, Will." I talked to him.

Minutes later, an ambulance arrived and paramedics came with a gurney. They placed Will on it and placed him in the back of the ambulance. I quickly got in with them.

"I'll meet y'all at the hospital." I told Tasha and them.

They nodded their heads as the ambulance's door closed and sped off. I held Will's hand as the paramedics worked on him.

"You'll be okay." I whispered as more tears fell.


I was at the hospital, sitting in the waiting room, waiting on some news. Will was in the back having surgery and I hoped that he'd pull through.

I couldn't believe what happened. Andre had another thing coming. He fled the scene after he shot Will. Coward! He couldn't run and hide forever. He'll be found soon.

I couldn't worry about him right now though. My mind was trained on Will's well being.

"Leah, thank God, how is he?" Tasha questioned, rushing into the room followed by Will's crew.

I stood up. "I don't know. He's having surgery right now."

"How did this happen?" Danny asked.

I explained everything that happened. When I was finished, he was pacing back and forth.

"This is your fault!" He shouted.

"My fault?!" I repeated.

"If it wasn't for you, my best friend would be fine!" He yelled in my face.

"Fuck you!" I shouted.

"Aye, calm down!" Aiden yelled.

"Will is fighting for his life and you two over here yelling at each other. Just shut the fuck up!" Brayden bellowed out.

"Come sit, Leah." Tasha said in a soft tone, pulling me towards a chair.

I sat next to her, bouncing my leg as I stared at my hands that was covered in Will's blood. I lowered my head and said a quick prayer, hoping that he'd be okay.


I couldn't sit still waiting on the news about Will. I was so upset. Out of all the people to get shot, it had to be my best friend. And for what? Because he's friends with Leah again?

I knew them becoming friends again would be a bad idea, but damn was it worth possibly losing his life? No!

I needed to calm down, but I couldn't help but to be mad at this situation. I continued to pace back and forth, waiting for any news about Will until his mom walked past, looking through papers.

She noticed my gaze on her, so she tore her eyes from her documents.

"Hey, Danny." She walked up to me.

I just stood there in silence, not knowing what to say.

"Why are you so quiet? Wait, why are you here? Is someone in your family hurt?" She asked, concerned.

I stood there crying, knowing that she didn't know what happened to her son.

I saw her look around the room to see the twins sitting with their heads down and Leah crying with Tasha.

"Hold on, what's going on?" She questioned.

"Ms. Pierce...uh..." I was saying before she cut me off.

"Where's Will?" She asked in a panic.

We all looked at her as we heard the pain in her tone.

"Where the fuck is my son?!" She shouted.

"Ms. Pierce, Will's in surgery.." I managed to say.

"Sur...Surgery?" She asked, confused.

"Will...he got....Will got.." I was trying to say.

"Will got shot!" Leah shouted from across the room.

We all looked as Ms. Pierce as her body went numb.

She stood there not saying a word. It was making me nervous because she didn't say anything at all. Out of nowhere, her body just dropped. I ran over to her as fast as I could.

"Can we get some help in here!" I shouted.

Leah came running over too.

"Get the fuck back! You've done enough!" I screamed at her.

"It wasn't my fault! I'd never want Will to get hurt!Ever!" She shouted back.

Seconds later, doctors and nurses ran into the waiting room, helping Ms. Pierce back to her feet.

"I'm okay! I'm fine! Now, someone tell me what happen to my damn son." Ms. Pierce wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Ask that bitch over there." I pointed at Leah.

"I ain't gone be too many bitches."

She walked over and sat next to Leah, who then told her what happened. She broke down crying and Leah comforted her.

I walked over to a water cooler, kicking it down.

"Fuck!" I screamed.

"Let's go for a walk Danny." Aiden said, trying to comfort me.

"I'm not leaving until I know that Will is okay."

~Two Hours Later~

A doctor finally came into the waiting room.

"I'm looking for the family of William Pierce." She said.

"That would be me." Ms. Pierce got up.

"Well, as you know, he was shot in his chest. It didn't hit his heart, thank God, but it still did a lot of damage. We were able to repair most of the damage, but-"

"But, what?!" I screamed.

"William lost a lot of blood, which caused him to slip into a coma. We don't know if he'll wake up. I'm sorry." The doctor said in a sad tone.

"Can we see him?" Leah asked.

"Yes." The doctor answered.

A coma? My best friend was in a coma and it was possible that he wouldn't even wake up. I dropped to my knees, not having the strength to stand. Everyone was in tears and it was truly a sad scene.

I needed him to wake up, we all needed him too. This couldn't be the end for Will.

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