Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Five

ابدأ من البداية

The two of us went into a small room and the staff member brought in a kitten one at a time. They were all really fucking adorable and I couldn't help but smile at all of them. They were all different breeds and genders too.

"Did Lisa ever say what like breed or gender she wanted?" I asked Jennie as I pet a black cat. He purred and I just smiled down at the little guy.

"She's been going on and on about Scottish Folds. So I guess that would be the breed she wants. She isn't picky with the gender because I have asked her that before."

"Well are any of these Scottish Folds because I've never seen one before." I told Jennie. She scanned the room and pointed to a kitten that was half asleep in the corner of the room.

"That one there is a Scottish Fold. Grab them." I reached over and gently picked up the kitten. It was a male and his eyes were very intense, but they looked cool. I handed him over to Jennie and she held him close. I could hear him purring from all the way over here and a tiny smile made its way to Jennie's lips.

"Soo, what do you think?" I asked her as I pet a Maine Coon cat. They were all fluffy and adorable and curled up in my lap.

"He's cute. When the lady comes back, I'll ask her more about him." Jennie said. I hummed as a response and watched a few kittens play fight with each other. A few minutes later the lady entered the room to see if we had any questions and Jennie bombardment the poor woman. Question and question, but the answered them all and Jennie seemed to approve of all the responses.

"Okay, so how much is he?" Jennie asked.

"He's $400 since he's the only Scottish Fold we currently have right now." Jennie didn't even bat an eye at the price and handed the woman her black card. Fucking rich. I rolled my eyes and Jennie just gave me a smug look and winked at me.

"I get it, you got money."

"Damn right I do." I laughed and the lady came back and had a little pet carrier for the cat. Jennie gently placed him inside it and I had to say goodbye to the other cats which was really depressing since they were all so fucking cute. But after some time, Jennie was driving me back to work.

"So I want you to then go get Rosie from work and come over to our house. I want you two to be there when I surprise Lisa so if she doesn't like him, I can direct all the blame to you."

"Wow, thanks." I said sarcastically as she pulled up next to my car.

"Now get out and clock out for the day! I'm on a schedule here!"

"Chill out. Rosie and I will be at yours in like 40 minutes, is that fine?"

"Yeah that's fine. Lisa is working later tonight." I nodded my head and went to tell IU I was leaving for the rest of the day.


"So why the hell are we going over their house?" Rosie asked me as she got in the passenger seat of my car. I leaned over and kissed her real quick before responding,

"Jennie got Lisa a gift and she wants us to be there when she shows her. So then if Lisa doesn't like it, she can blame us."

"But I don't even know what it is." Rosie said as she intertwined our fingers and gently played with my engagement ring. I smiled at the feeling,

"I know, but I want to surprise you too because it's fun to see you all happy and excited."

"Fine," she sighed dramatically, "but it better be something cute and not scary."

"You'll be fine, I promise."

After some time, I pulled into their driveway and Rosie hopped out of the car and excitedly walked up to the front door. I popped a piece of gum in my mouth because I forgot I had a packet in my car. I then quickly followed behind her and Jennie opened the door.

To The Moon and Back? (Rosé x Fem Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن