Aftermath (epilogue)

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(One year later)

“Rae, he’s taking the north exit,” Cisco tells me over the coms.

“On it,” I reply as I fly down to block his exit.

When Thawne stabbed me last year, Barry managed to give me a blood transfusion and the speed healing managed to keep me alive long enough for Caitlin to stitch me up.

When I woke up, I also discovered a new ability, using my fire powers to propel myself up in the sky and essentially fly.

I spot the robber on his motorcycle beneath me so I quickly shoot a small fireball at his tire, causing the bike to swerve.

I see a streak of lightning in the corner of my eye and in a flash, Barry has the robber handcuffed to a street lamp and the bag of jewels on the ground next to him.

I smoothly land on the ground next to Barry, grinning.

“We caught him, Cisco,” I inform Cisco over the coms.

“Yass! Go Team FlashFire!” Cisco exclaims. I share a look with Barry at that, raising an eyebrow.

“FlashFire?” I question curiously.

“Yeah, you know, Flash and Wildfire. FlashFire,” Cisco replies. Barry shrugs.

“I kinda like it,” he says. I laugh and hear the sound of police sirens coming.

“Took them long enough,” I huff, causing Barry and Cisco to start laughing.

“Ok, let’s head back to S.T.A.R Labs,” Barry says.

“Get Big Belly Burger on the way?” I question, my stomach growling in agreement.

“Yup,” Barry agrees with a nod.

“Bring me some!” Cisco yells over the coms.

“Race you there?” I ask Barry, getting ready to shoot up into the sky. Barry smirks.

“You’re on,” He says before speeding away.

“Hey!” I shout before shooting up into the air, racing after him.

The wind whips my face as I close my eyes for a moment, a smile spread across my face.

The particle accelerator changed many people's lives, for the better and the worse and I may have not realised it at first but it changed mine for the better.

Some people get lost in the fire and some people are built from it and that day nearly eight years ago, I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.

The End

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