Time Travel

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Disclaimer: I don't own The Flash or any of its characters. I only own my OC's. :)

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After standing outside in the warm sun for about 10 minutes, I decide to go into S.T.A.R Labs to see what Cisco is up to.

I walk inside the building cautiously and get into the elevator, pressing the button for the floor that the cortex is on.

Cisco will probably be in his workshop so that’s where I head first after getting out of the elevator.

“Cisco?” I call for him as I walk into his cluttered workshop, “Cisco?”

After realising he’s not in his workshop, I head to the cortex instead. If he’s not there either, I can use the security cameras to check the building. 

I walk into the Cortex and quickly type on the computers, bringing up the security camera footage.

I quickly check all the rooms and finally find him talking with Barry in the speedlab.

“Cisco, why’d you run off like that?” I call out as I walk into the speedlab.

“Sorry, Rae,” he apologises as I walk over to stand next to him and Barry.

“So, Cisco said that the tech needed to unsplice you and Thawne is only invented in the future?” Barry asks me. I shrug.

“Yeah, that’s what Gideon told me,” I answer.

“Do you know where it is? And which year specifically?” Barry asks. I shake my head.

“I don’t know, you’ll have to ask Gideon. I’m not sure why that matters though, Thawne taking over me will be completed soon. It’s not like we can just wait 100 years or so,” I tell them.

Barry and Cisco share a look.

“What?” I ask curiously.

“Barry can time travel,” Cisco finally reveals, a large grin stretched across his face.

“Time travel?” I exclaim, “How?”

“When he runs fast enough, he can rupture a hole in the fabric of time itself, allowing him to run to any timeline,” Cisco explains. I grin, that is epically cool.

“Ok, I’m going to go talk to Gideon,” Barry tells us before speeding away. I turn to Cisco.

“So, when did he first discover he could time travel? Has he ever taken anyone with him? Can he take anyone with him? If he runs too fast will he disintegrate into just a pile of dust in a red suit?” I barrel Cisco with questions, causing him to laugh.

“Ok, one question at a time,” he says with a chuckle.

I open my mouth to speak to him when I start to get really dizzy. I quickly grasp onto the table next to me so that I don't fall over.

“Are you ok?” Cisco asks worriedly.

“Yeah, I just feel a bit dizzy,” I tell him. I feel something wet drip down my face and I bring up my hand to touch it. When I pull it away I find it covered in blood.

“Rae, you have to go to the med bay,” Cisco tells me, his eyes wide.

“Don’t worry, I’m fi…” Before I can even finish my sentence, everything goes black.


I wake suddenly with a groan, my head pounding profusely. I cautiously sit up and open my eyes, blinking a few times under the harsh light of the med bay, a place I've become too familiar with in the past few weeks.

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