Stopping Curtis

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Disclaimer: I don't own The Flash or any of its characters. I only own my OC's. :)

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"What were you two thinking allowing Rae to go with you?! She's only 15 and has an injured leg!" Caitlin exclaims at Wally and Cisco, practically fuming. Wow, I've never seen her this angry before.

"Hey, we didn't want her to come with but she wanted to come," Cisco answers Wally nods.

Caitlin turns her attention to me.

"Uhhhh...Wally bought me coffee," I blurt out. Wally looks at me in betrayal.

"You gave her what?!" Caitlin starts ranting again.

I'm getting a headache so I grab my crutches and start hopping down the hall. The others don't even notice me leaving.

I go down the hall till I come across the lounge. I hop inside and start to go over to the couches when I notice Barry sitting there.

"Hey Rae," Barry says with a small smile when he notices me. I smile back and sit down on the couch opposite him.

"Hey," I reply.

"You've got a cut on your cheek," Barry says with a frown. I gently touch my cheek.

"Oh, it's just a small scratch," I shrug it off.

"How'd you get it?" Barry asks.

"Cisco and I were tracing down a new metahuman, Curtis Backwood, who can cause earthquakes. He got spooked and long story short I nearly got crushed by a metal beam," I say with a shrug.

By the time I finish Barry's eyes are wide in shock.

"Are you OK?" he asks worriedly. I nod.

"yeah. Caitlin freaking out that Cisco bought me along though," I tell him with a small laugh. He laughs as well.

"Yeah, she tends to get a bit overprotective sometimes," he says. I nod.

Barry stands up.

"I'm going to head over to the cortex now, want to come with?" he asks me. I shake my head.

"I'm just going to stay here for a bit longer," I tell him. He nods and speeds out of the room.

"You have grown close to team Flash," Thawne says in my head.

"stop talking in my head!" I growl at him in my head.

He chuckles.

"OK, do you prefer this?" he says and suddenly appears in front of me.

"Go away!" I shout, frustrated.

"Are you OK?" I hear a voice by the doorway. I turn and see a girl standing there. I think Cisco mentioned her name is Allegra?

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say. Great, now she thinks I'm crazy.

"Who were you talking to?" she asks cautiously as she walks towards me.

"Ahhh... just my phone. I installed a game that keeps getting annoying ads, you know?" I say with a small laugh. She nods.

"So I heard you were in Iron Heights for six years," she comments. I nod.

"Yeah, those weren't such easy days." We sit in silence for a bit before the intercom breaks the silence.

"Guys, we found Curtis," I hear Cisco's voice say. I quickly stand up and grab my crutches before Allegra and I head over to the cortex.

"Where is he?" I ask as we walk into the cortex where Cisco and Caitlin are standing, Wally and Barry must already be gone.

"He's at the City center," Cisco tells me.

"That's not good. There are hundreds of people and office buildings there," Caitlin exclaims.

"Guys, there was just a 5.4 earthquake," Cisco warns.

"How do we stop him?" Barry shouts in distress.

"Why don't you and Wally try to use your positive tachyon energy to counteract his quakes by running in a vortex around him," I blurt out. Everyone turns to stare at me.

"What? I learnt a few things from you guys," I say with a shrug. That's not what happened though.

Thawne told me to say that. Why would he want to help team Flash defeat a meta?

"My goals are beyond your understanding," he says in my head, suddenly causing me to jump. I hate it when he does that.

"I know," he replies, I can imagine the smirk on his face. I just ignore him though.

"Guys, that could work," Cisco says after writing down some calculations on a napkin.

"On it," Wally says. Everything goes solent over the cons except for the whooshing sound of their running.

It suddenly goes quiet.

"Barry, Wally?" Caitlin asks cautiously.

"We did it, we caught him," Barry says with a sigh after a moment.

The others all start to celebrate and Wally and Barry speed in after dropping Curtis off in a meta cell.

I don't celebrate with them, however.
My mind is still stuck on why Thawne would help. The Flash and his team is Thawne's greatest enemy.

"Why did you tell me what to say?" I ask him in my head.

"In order for my mission to succeed you need to prove to the team that you can be useful," Thawne says. I frown slightly at that.

The team doesn't think I'm useful?

"of course they don't! You injured your leg..." he starts but I cut him off.

"That was your fault!" I exclaim in my mind. He ignore me and carried on.

"you nearly died this morning. They think of you as an annoying flea that just won't go away," he growls harshly. His words cut deep and bring tears to my eyes.

"Are you ok Rae?" Barry asks me as he walks over to me. I mod quickly and wipe away a few stray tears.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just going to go get some fresh air. Maybe go to jitters," I mumble as I grab my crutches.

"Are you sure? Do you want me to go with you?" he asks gently. I shake my head and give a hopefully convincing smile.

"I'm fine, I just need a bit of time to myself," I reassure him. I don't want to be anymore of a liability.

Barry nods, still a bit uncertain but he lets me go anyway.

I hop out of the cortex, a stray tear dripping down my cheek.

(1040 words)

I hope you enjoyed that.

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Until next time. Byeeeee. ;)

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