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Disclaimer: I don't own The Flash or any of its characters. I only own my OC's. :)

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I wake up to the smell of Big Belly Burger coming from downstairs.

I get out of bed and walk into the small ensuite that my room has. I take a quick shower and wash my hair with some floral scented shampoo.

When I'm done, I wrap a towel around myself and quickly brush my teeth with a toothbrush I found and comb out my hair.

I walk back into the bedroom and find a plain white t-shirt on an armchair in the corner of the room and a pair of jean shorts and jandals.

I get dressed into the clothes and make my way downstairs, my mouth already watering for the Big Belly Burger.

I walk into the kitchen and see Joss sitting by the counter, stuffing her face with food.

"Did you leave any for me?" I ask her as I take a seat on one of the barstools next to her. She nods and points to the bag.

I open it up and find a burger and a packet of fries. I quickly inhale it all, not remembering how good it tasted.

"Did you notice anything about me?" she asks. I look up from my food and quickly inspect her.

"Uh, you dyed your hair black?" I ask. She shakes her head.

"No, my collar's gone," she says. I gasp finally noticing.

"How did you get rid of it?" I question curiously.

She grins widely and rubs her hands together. I swallow hard.


Fifteen minutes after and my collar is gone, leaving only slightly raw skin from the years of it chafing against my skin.

Joss had managed to get her weather staff and used literal lightning to fry it and take it off which was quite frightening. She nearly burnt a hole in my neck!

"Hey Rae!" I hear Joss shout from the kitchen. I'm currently lying on my bed reading an old book I found on the shelf.

"Yeah?" I shout back, too lazy to actually walk all the way down to the kitchen.

"I need you to go get food from the store," she calls back. I quickly put down the book and rush into the kitchen.

"What do you mean 'go to the store'?" I hiss at her, my eyes wide. She rolls her eyes.

"We need food and obviously I can't go. Everyone would recognise me," she says.

"What about me?" I exclaim. She sighs.

"I doubt anyone would even recognise you. It's not like you terrorised the city a few months ago," she tells me. I guess she does have a point...

"But we also just escaped prison. Won't it be in the news with our faces posted everywhere?" I ask worriedly.

"And what about the massive burn across half my face. People will be sure to notice it," I add. She looks at it closely, making me feel self conscious.

"Just wear a hoodie or something and have your hair cover that part of your face. Please...you can get a drink from Jitters..." I sigh and give in. I haven't had Jitters in years and I will be less recognisable than Joss.

I grab a dark grey, oversized hoodie and a pair of sunglasses before Joss hands me a bundle of cash and a shopping list.

I put on the sunglasses and hoodie and have my hair loose, covering the burns on my face before I start off in the direction of Jitters, I think. I haven't been there since I was a little girl so I only more or less remember where it is.

I walk down the bustling street and can feel myself boiling in the hoodie. It is literally 30°c outside.

I see a sign just across the street and squint, reading the sign. It says Jitters!

I rush across the street and enter the cool, air-conditioned coffee shop.

I walk up to the counter and order myself an iced chocolate and a blueberry muffin before handing over the money.

I find a small table in the shade, farthest from the door, and sit down while I wait for my order.

I hear the door opening and look over to see four people enter. A young woman with chestnut coloured hair and brown eyes, a young man with darker skin and shoulder length, black hair, another young man with brown short hair and green eyes, and an older man with pale skin, bright blue eyes and glasses. I feel like I've seen the last man before somewhere.

They all walk over to the counter and order their food and drinks before sitting down by a table right opposite me. Great. I just hope they don't look in my direction.

A waitress walks over to me and places my iced chocolate and muffin down on the table. I thank her and she walks off.

I take a sip of my iced chocolate and close my eyes in ecstasy. This is SO much better than prison food.

I quickly gulp down my muffin and drink my iced chocolate so fast I get brain freeze.

I look over at the TV on the wall and notice that the news has come up. It shows a photo of Jpss and I and is headlined, 'Metahuman criminals escape Iron Heights.'

I duck my head down and make sure my sunglasses are secure. I notice the guys with long back hair looking my way and take that as my que to leave.

I quickly stand up and leave a small tip on the table before exiting Jitters. Once the building is out of sight, I sigh in relief.

My head starts to ache suddenly and my vision goes slightly red.

I take a few deep breaths and close my eyes to calm myself down. When I open my eyes, the red is all gone and my head no longer aches.

With no more meta dampener, my powers are also back which means I'm going to have to be sure to keep them under control.


I'm walking back to Joss's house with two bags of groceries. One in each hand.

I walk past S.T.A.R Labs, noticing one or two cars parked in the parking lot which is strange. I thought they shut down after the explosion.

I feel a gust of wind pass me suddenly and see a streak of red lightning. The wind knocks me off my feet and onto the hard concrete but I don't care. I just saw the Flash!

I think he is awesome though I'll never say that to Joss. She despises him. He did put her in Iron heights after all.

I pick myself up off of the ground and continue back to Joss's house.

(1168 words)

Hope you all enjoyed that.

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I dedicate this chapter to SirenSprint thanks for writing one of my favourite stories on here! Be sure to check it out.

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Until next time. Byeeeee. :)

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