The Reverse Flash

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Disclaimer: I don't own The Flash or any of its characters. I only own my OC's. :)

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It's the next morning and I'm eating a sandwich with Nutella on at the small kitchenette. Whoever thought of putting chocolate on bread and eating it was a genius.

I'm licking my fingers clean when Snart walks in, cold gun, sack with the jewel and all.

"We're going," He says before leaving the warehouse. I quickly jump up and run after him.

I get into the van, the passenger seat this time, and out on my seat belt as Snart turns on the car and drives at full speed.

We drive for about twenty minutes in silence before Snart announces we're here.

I get out of the van and follow him as he walks the clearing of a forest. Why would this be their meeting place? It's literally the middle of nowhere.

I hear a gust of wind and see a streak of yellow lightning before a speedster in a yellow suit with glowing red eyes stops in front of us. I swallow hard.

"I told you to come alone," The speedster growls, his voice vibrating to hide what it sounds like.

"She wanted to come with me. Don't worry, she's harmless," Snart replies.

I'm a split second, the speedster is in front of me, inspecting me closely.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Raelynn White," the speedster says, his voice no longer vibrating.

"How do you know my name?" I ask, my eyes wide with fear and my vision starting to go slightly red.

"Let's just say we will meet again in the close future," he says before in a gust of wind, he's gone. My vision returns to normal and I turn to face Snart.

The Jewel is now gone and that is left is the sack. Snart opens it up to reveal it is filled with twenty dollar notes. Snart grins.

"How are you not completely freaked out by him?" I ask, my voice still trembling slightly.

Snart shrugs.

"You get used to it after a while."


We drive back to the amusement park in silence. When we get inside, Snart pours all the money onto the table to count and divide.

"Ok, this is your percent," Snart says, handing me a bundle of money.

"How much is it?" I ask curiously.

"2500 dollars, 10%," He says. I furrow my eyebrows.

"How much do you and your sister get?" I ask.

"45% each," he says. I frown.

"You were only the getaway driver," he points out.

"I want 20%," I tell him, knowing he is trying to cheat me off because I'm young. He frowns and narrows his eyes.

"15%," he growls and I know he won't budge any more on that. That is still 3,750 dollars which is a lot of money...

"Fine," I say, rolling my eyes slightly. He adds more money to my pile and I make sure to count it all before putting it into the black backpack Lisa gave me, zipping it up tightly.

"I'm going out," I tell him, walking towards the entrance of the warehouse.

"Where?" he asks. I shrug.

"Just out. Maybe Jitters?" I reply.

"Just be back before dark," he calls after me. I quickly turn around to face him.

"Why? You're not my dad," I say. He smirks.

"I know that. There's another job tonight and we're going to need you to be our getaway driver," he says. I sigh and turn around, heading out.


I walk into the Central City Library and sit down in front of one of their computers. I log into the WIFI and search 'Barry Allen'.

The first thing that comes up is, 'CSI Barry Allen found innocent for suspected murder of Clifford Devoe after Devoe found alive.'

He was sent to Iron Heights? I scroll further down and come across another article headlined, 'CSI Barry Allen struck by lightning, miraculously alive.' Well that explains how he got his powers.

I click on that article and quickly skim through it. It says he was taken in by S.T.A.R Labs and was in a coma for nine months. I'll have to check out S.T.A.R Labs later.

I quickly log out of the computer and grab my backpack before leaving the library and heading over to Jitters to get something to drink.

I walk into Jitters, gripping the straps of my backpack tightly.

I walk over to the counter and order myself an iced chocolate and blueberry muffin like I did a couple of days ago before sitting down at a table in the corner.

I'm watching the TV on the wall when I hear the door open and I see Barry and the man from the other day with long black hair walk in. I recognise him from the article I read earlier. He works at S.T.A.R Labs, I think his name is Cisco Ramon?

I keep my head down as they order their drinks at the counter before they sit down at the table literally right next to me.

I groan internally. It is just my luck that they decide to choose the one table close to me.

The waitress puts down my muffin in front and as she puts down my iced chocolate, she spills it slightly, causing some to splash on my jacket.

She starts apologising rapidly and trying to clean it with a napkin.

This causes Barry and Cisco to look over at me.

I quickly tell her it's fine and she hurries away.

Barry continues staring at me and says something to Cisco before standing up and waking over to me. I swallow hard.

Barry sits down on the chair opposite me at my table and stares at me.

"You're the girl from yesterday, aren't you?" he says. My eyes widen and I shake my head rapidly.

"No, I'm not. I have no idea what you're talking about," I say, starting to panic slightly. He leans forward in his chair.

"Yes you are. I'd like you to come with me and my friend over there," he points to Cisco who waves, " To S.T.A.R Labs."

I start to panic even more and gasp slightly as my head starts to pound in pain. I close my eyes as the pain gets worse and start to breathe deeply, trying to calm myself down.

"Are you OK?" Barry asks. I open my eyes and grab my backpack before I practically run out of Jitters, my muffin and drink long forgotten.

I hear Barry and Cisco run after me as I run into an alley, my vision already starting to go red.

My headache becomes unbearable and I collapse to the ground in a pile, holding my head tightly with my eyes squeezed shut.

"Cisco, we need to breach her to S.T.A.R Labs," I hear Barry say. I let out a moan of pain.

I feel an intense wave of heat wash over me before I fade away.

(1186 words)

Hope you all enjoyed that.

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I dedicate this chapter to Thisisacryforhelp2 for reading and voting for one of my stories.

Until next time. Byeeeee. ;)

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