Not Hungry

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Disclaimer: I don't own The Flash or any of its characters. I only own my OC's. :)

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"Rae, Rae. Can you hear me Rae?" I hear someone calling, pulling me into consciousness.

I peel open my eyes and squint in the harsh light of the med bay.

"What happened?" I groan, my head pounding profusely.

I manage to sit up and see Caitlin, Cisco and Barry standing next to me, all with worried expressions on their faces.

"You fainted after using your powers to set the target on fire. We think you used too much energy at once and completely overwhelmed yourself," Barry explains.

I nod slowly, my vision swarming at the small movement.

"You hit your head on the ground when you collapsed and have a mild concussion. You should stay in bed for a couple of hours and just take it slowly," Caitlin says, giving me a warm smile before walking out of the room.

Once she's out of sight, I quickly stand up and pull on my jacket that was folded on the edge of the bed.

"Rae, Caitlin said to stay in bed," Cisco exclaims. I huff.

"Don't worry, I feel fine. Anyway, did you really expect me to lie in bed all day?" I question. I have to figure out a way to stop Thawne in 2 weeks!

Without waiting for an answer from Barry or Cisco, I quickly leave the med bay.

"Where are you going?" Barry calls after me.

"Big Belly burger," I reply before leaving the cortex. Technically I Didn't lie, after stopping by the time vault I will go to Big Belly Burger.

Making sure nobody's following me, I quickly use my...Thawne's speed to speed into the time vault.

"Gideon," I call out.

"Good afternoon Raelynn," Gideon replies in her usual cheery voice as she appears.

"How did team Flash defeat Eobard Thawne?" I ask her.

"The Flash defeated him by teaming up with The Arrow and Firestorm. They overpowered him and locked him in the pipeline," she replies.

I groan, that doesn't help at all.

"Is there any way to stop Thawne from taking over my body?" I ask her.

"I'm afraid Eobard Thawne has ordered me to not tell you that," she replies. I bury my face in my hands in defeat.

"What if I locked myself in the pipeline. Would that stop the process?" I ask, crossing my fingers.

"The pipeline only has the ability to dampen metahuman powers. As the process does not use dark matter, the pipeline won't do anything to stop it," she says.

"Rae, what are you doing here?" Barry's voice causes me to quickly whip around.

"I...I," I stutter, completely lost for words.

"What were you talking to Gideon about?" Barry ask suspiciously, narrowing his eyes at me. I swallow hard.

"Gideon," Barry calls.

"Good afternoon Barry," Gideon says.

"What were you and Rae talking about?" He asks.

"Rae asked me how you and team Flash previously defeated Eobard Thawne also known as the Reverse Flash," she answers. I breath rapidly and take a step back, preparing to make a run for it.

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