Weird Dreams

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Disclaimer: I don't own The Flash or any of its characters. I only own my OC's. :)

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Cisco breaches us both into his apartment and I find it nothing like I imagined.

I expected it to be a tiny, dark place with old furniture and on the messy side but instead I find myself in an open floor plan, light and bright place with a comfy sofa in the corner in front of a TV, a small kitchen sacked with sweets and posters everywhere of movies and video games.

"It's not as big as Barry and Iris's place but it's big enough," Cisco says as he walks into the kitchen.

"Would you like the usual?" he asks, taking the Nutella out of the cupboard.

"Yes please," I say politely as I sit down on the couch.

Cisco starts humming a song as he makes us both sandwiches.

"Can I use the bathroom?" I ask him after a moment.

"You don't have to ask, you live here now too. It's just down the hall, first door on the left," Cisco answers.

I thank him and get up, walking in the direction of the bathroom.

I enter it, locking the door behind me, and quickly do my business before washing my hands by the sink.

Did I make the wrong decision moving in with Cisco? With my newfound abilities and Thawne in my mind I don't want to put him in any danger.

I stare down at my hands before taking a deep breath and heading back into the main living/kitchen area.

"Hey Rae, you sandwich just over there," Cisco says, now sitting on the couch with his own sandwich on his lap.

I sit down next to him and grab my plate off of the coffee table in front of me.

"So, I was thinking we could play some video games or watch a couple of movies before going to bed and then tomorrow, if we're not too busy at S.T.A.R Labs, I could give you a proper tour of Central City," Cisco says, looking extremely excited.

"OK, cool," I answer, trying to look enthusiastic. He grins and quickly grabs some video games out of the TV console.


We spend the rest of the afternoon eating snacks, playing video games and watching movies thatCisco says is astonishing that I haven't watched them.

At about 10.30, I decide to call it a night.

Cisco shows me to the guest room and gives me a spare toothbrush to use.

I quickly get ready for bed before snuggling into the warm covers, asleep the moment my head touches the pillow.


I feel a strong anger coursing through me, stronger than any I've ever felt before. It feels like it is suffocating me, trying to control my whole body.

I gasp for breath. I'm standing in a room. It looks like a lab with sterile white walls and shelves stacked with jars of chemicals.

I look at an empty wall to my left that says Mercury Labs on it in big words.

I hear a whimper to my right and I whip my head around to see a man in his late thirties or so hiding under a table, shaking with fear.

I suddenly speed over to him and in a second I have him pushed against the wall.

"please, don't hurt me. I promise I won't tell anyone," he whimpers.

"You and I both know that's not true," I growl, my voice vibrating and sounding sinister.

Against my own will, my arm lifts up and I ram it through his heart.


I wake with a start, quickly sitting up in bed. My heart is pounding faster than it ever has and I'm sweating profusely.

That dream felt so real...

I look at the clock next to my bed. It reads 6.37 on its small digital screen. With no hope of getting back to sleep I get out of bed and decide to take a warm shower to calm down.

I walk into the small bathroom that is connected to my bedroom and lock the door before undressing and hopping into the shower.

I turn on the water and start to clean myself with some soap when I notice something weird on my arm. I take a closer look and notice a few red splodges, so small I nearly didn't notice them.

I scrub at my arm and they come off, staining the water red. It's blood.

I nearly have a heart attack. I quickly wash myself off before getting out of the shower and drying off.

I stand in front of the mirror and close my eyes, taking a deep breath.

It wasn't a lot of blood. It's probably just from tiny scratches that I didn't notice before now.

I brush my teeth and wash my face before walking back into my bedroom and getting dressed into a pair of shorts, a plain blue t-shirt, a thin hoodie that I pull over my head and a pair of sneakers.

I'm going to go for a quickly jog to clear my mind.

I grab my ipod and earphones that Iris brought me before walking into the kitchen. I leave a note on the countertop telling Cisco that I'm going out for a jog and will probably go to S.T.A.R Labs afterwards

I walk out of Cisco's apartment and notice right across the street is a large park with a footpath for running.

I cross the street and start to run, clearing my mind and letting all my worries slip away.

I close my eyes and for just a moment I pretend I'm a normal fifteen year old, taking a run before school. A teenager that doesn't have to worry about a crazy speedster in their heads or about their powers.

I feel a rush of wind blowing in my face and I quickly open my eyes. I look around and find myself in front of some sort of Chinese rice field and my shoes are on fire.

I quickly stomp out the tiny flames before sighing. Unfortunately I'm not a normal teenage girl.

(1081 words)

I hope you enjoyed that.

Turns out I was right about coming down with a cold and was sick in bed for basically a week so sorry if this chapter sounds rushed or is just boring.

The next chapter will be next Thursday.

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Until next time. Byeeeee. ;)

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