New Job

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Disclaimer: I don't own The Flash or any of its characters. I only own my OC's. :)

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I sit on a park bench in a small park, watching the sun set.

I've been here for a couple of hours now.

I watch as the happy families play with their children on the playground.

I stand up with a sigh and hop out of the park in the direction of Jitters.

I can't remember my parents but from what people have told me they were the nicest people on earth. They were also both madly in love with each other.

I almost had the perfect family, almost.

I enter Jitters and order myself a Killer frost. It is a mint hot chocolate. Christmas is only a month away now and the weather has started to get colder.

I pay for the hot chocolate with the $50 from Curtis and find an empty table in the corner.

I know that Thawne was just trying to manipulate my feelings but it totally worked.

I am a liability, a flea. I haven't done anything to prove myself to the team at all so far.

I sigh and put my head in my arms. What am I going to do?

"here's your Killer Frost," the barista girl says as she puts down a mug in front of me.

I mumble a thank you and she walks off.

I finish my hot chocolate quickly, burning my tongue slightly.

I need to get a job so that I can earn money and eventually rent my own place. I feel even worse having to stay in Caitlin's house.

I grab my crutches and hop over to the counter.

"Umm excuse me? You wouldn't happen to be hiring, would you?" I ask her curiously. She gives a warm smile.

"As a matter of fact we are looking for some more help," she says with a smile.

"Would you be willing to hire me?" I ask her cautiously. She eyes my crutches for a minute.

"I only need the crutches for a couple of more weeks," I tell her. She nods.

"Until then you could just work at the register," she says.

"So, you're going to hire me?" I ask anxiously. She jods and gives me a big smile.

"Come in tomorrow morning around 12 to sign the contract," she says. I grin and thank her before hopping out of Jitters.

My day seems to be finally looking up.


I hop into Caitlin's apartment 10 minutes later. I wonder if she's home yet?

I shiver at the cold apartment and turn up the heating. The weather is getting super cold.

I look around the apartment but Caitlin isn't here yet. She must be working a late shift at S.T.A.R Labs.

I change into my fluffy pj's and grab a pile of warm blankets before plopping down on the couch to watch some movies.

I yawn as I put on an episode of BBC Merlin. I snuggle deep into the blankets and allow the sounds of Arthur shouting at Merlin lull me to sleep.


I wake with a jolt to the sound of the kettle boiling. I look at the kitchen to see Caitlin standing there, making herself some coffee.

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