Avoiding Team Flash

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Disclaimer: I don't own The Flash or any of its characters. I only own my OC's. :)

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I wake up with a gasp to excruciating pain in my leg. I sit up with a gasp and look down at my leg.

It has been crudely cauterized but there is still a trickle of blood leaking out.

I stand up, using the wall to support me, and tie my hoodie around my waist to hide the wound that is on the back of my leg.

I feel my phone vibrate so I pull it out and turn it on.

I have 42 missed messages and 14 missed calls from Cisco,

38 missed messages and 16 missed calls from Barry and 18 missed messages and 10 missed calls from Caitlin.

How long was I out? I look at the time and see it reads 10.23p.m. I was out for over nine hours!

I almost start walking back towards S.T.A.R Labs when the Reverse Flash's voice flashes through my head. 'Stay away from the Flash or I will find a way to complete my plan without you.' I shiver.

I quickly text Barry and say I decided to go back to the warehouse. I turn off my phone and shove it into my pocket before I start slowly limping back to the warehouse.


The usual ten minute walk to the warehouse takes just over half an hour as I slowly make my way back.

I quietly open the door and shut it behind me before I walk into the kitchen.

I know I saw a first aid kit here somewhere.

After a lot of searching, I finally find it under the sink. I sit down on the ground and open up the first aid kit, pulling out some wipes and a large roll of bandage.

I get to work cleaning away all the blood before I wrap my leg several times round with the bandage.

Once I'm done, I put the first aid kit back where I found it and limp into the room I share with Lisa, getting into bed quietly so as to not wake her.

I fall asleep the moment my head touches the pillow.


I wake up to the sound of Lisa snoring quite obnoxiously. I slowly get out of bed and get dressed into a pair of jeans that cover my legs and bandage.

I brush my teeth and comb my hair before walking out of the room and into the kitchen.

I see Snart and Mick already up, cleaning out their guns.

"You're up early...Well, earlier than usual," Snart says. I nod.

"Where were you last night?" he asks.

"At Big Belly Burger with friends," I reply vaguely. He smirks.

"You have friends?" He says, pretending to be in shock.

"Yeah, I'm fifteen. What did you expect?" I ask.

Not waiting for an answer, I limp over to the corner and grab my backpack where I left it.

"Why are you limping?" Mick asks, looking up from his gun.

"I twisted my ankle," I lie.

"Can you still drive?" Snart asks. I nod.

"Yeah. I'm going out with friends," I tell him. He doesn't reply so I limp out of the warehouse, my backpack slung over my shoulder. I don't want to have to stay in the dark, damp warehouse all day. Plus, I want to get some pain killers from the pharmacy, my leg is killing me.

I walk into the Central City pharmacy and walk over to the shelf with all the pain killers, grabbing a bottle when I notice a sign on the wall that says, medicine by prescription only.

I look at the bottle then back at the sign again. I can't exactly say it's for a stab wound in my leg can I?...

I look around to make sure nobody is looking before I shove the bottle into my pocket.

I hear footsteps behind me and whip around to see a lady in a uniform standing there. Did she see me?

"Do you need help with anything sweetie?" she asks me with a smile. Phew, she didn't see me.

"No thank you, I'm fine," I tell her before walking as calmly as I can out of the pharmacy.

When the pharmacy is out of sight, I break into a run down the street as fast as my throbbing leg will allow me.

I stop running and spot Jitters just down the street.

I walk inside and just order myself a muffin and a water.

My food is delivered to me relatively quickly and I down the entire muffin before I take out one of the small, blue pills and swallow it down with my water.

I hear the door open and see Caitlin and Cisco walk in. Seriously? Do they just come here every single day?

I keep my head down and walk past them. I'm right by the door when I hear Cisco call my name.

"Hey, Raelynn!" he calls again. I pretend I didn't hear him and quickly walk/limp out of Jitters before ducking into an alley next to it.

I see Cisco run past and look around before walking back inside. I sigh a breath of relief. That was a close one. Avoiding them is going to be a lot more difficult than I thought.


I had two more close run-ins with the team.

I was walking down the street when Barry ran straight past to me, at human speed. He didn't notice me though, I think he was late to work.

I then also almost ran into him when I was walking past what appeared to be the crime scene he was working at.

I'm now slowly limping back to the warehouse, my leg killing me, when I realise I'm walking past S.T.A.R Labs.

I try to speed up a bit but my leg is too sore to do so. I probably shouldn't be walking on it at all but it's a bit too late now.

I see Barry and Cisco walking towards me out of the corner of my eye. Uh oh.

"Raelynn, stop!" Cisco shouts after me. I stop and turn around slowly.

They quickly catch up to where I'm standing.

"Why have you been avoiding us?" Barry asks. I sigh. I shouldn't tell them, should I?

"Why are you limping?" Cisco asks. I swallow hard.

"Did Snart hurt you? Did he find out you're helping us?" Barry asks worriedly.

"No, I just twisted my ankle," I use my pretty pathetic lie. Cisco narrows his eyes.

"I've had my fair share of twisted ankles and that is definitely not one," Cisco argues. I open my mouth but close it again, not knowing what to say.

"Come on Raelynn, you can tell us. We're your friends," Barry pleads.

"I...I" I start but am cut off as the Reverse Flash's words and glowing eyes play in my head.

"I'm fine. Cisco's wrong, It's just a twisted ankle," I tell them, looking down at the ground shamefully.

Barry and Cisco both get betrayed looks on their faces, Cisco's worse.

"Ok, If you want it that way I guess we'll leave you to it then," Cisco says before he and Barry walk away.

Tears start to full my eyes but I quickly blink them away. I have to lie to them, I have no other choice.

(1253 words)

I hope you enjoyed that.

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This chapter is dedicated to Sydneyjean501 for writing 'The flash's daughter. Be sure to check it out, it's awesome.

Until next time. Byeeeee. ;)

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