The Hall Of Villains

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Disclaimer: I don't own The Flash or any of its characters. I only own my OC's. :)

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I wake up early in the morning to hear the neighbours shouting at each other.

I attempt to muffle the sounds with my pillow but it doesn't work. Knowing I won't be able to get back to sleep now, I get out of bed and get dressed into a pair of faded jeans, a S.T.A.R Labs shirt I 'borrowed' a while ago and my jean jacket before I pull on a pair of sneakers.

I grab my phone and keys from my small dresser and shove it in my back pocket along with a small wallet I bought myself to put my leftover money in.

I step outside my apartment and instantly shiver in the cold even though I'm not even outside yet.

I step back into my apartment and grab a puffer jacket for on top of my jean jacket.

I wouldn't be surprised if it started snowing soon.

I lock up my apartment and head out of the building in the direction of Jitters.

Nothing like a warm hot chocolate to heat you up.

The streets are fairly quiet as I walk as it is only like 6 o'clock in the morning.

I get to Jitters relatively quickly and step inside the toasty coffee shop. Walking up to the counter, I see Jemma busy working there. I should probably go tell her I have to quit.

I walk up to the counter and smile at Jemma.

"Hey Rae, you're up early," She greets me with a friendly smile. I nod.

"Yeah, I love mornings. Can I have one hot chocolate please?" I ask her, totally lying about the morning thing. Who in their right mind likes mornings?

"Sure thing, that'll be $4.50," she tells me. I open my wallet and hand her the money.

"So, I actually needed to talk to you about something," I inform her. She smiles.

"Sure, what's up?" she asks.

"School is super busy at the moment with a whole bunch of tests and exams coming up so my parents think it would be best if I didn't work here anymore," I tell her cautiously.

She nods understandingly.

"Don't worry, that's fine. I know how hard school can be," she tells me.

I smile at her and she hands me my hot chocolate. That didn't go too bad.

I walk out of Jitters and sip my hot chocolate. It instantly warms my insides.

"So Thawne, you said you'd give me that bank account's details?" I think.

"Fine, go to S.T.A.R Labs and you'll find my bank card in the inside pocket of my pocket in my suit," He tells me. I start to laugh.

The pocket of his suit? That's pretty pathetic. I thought he'd have some cool secret vault or something.

"Do you want that money or not?" He growls. I stop laughing and start walking in the direction of S.T.A.R Labs.


I walk into S.T.A.R labs and sneak into the elevator, pushing the button for the cortex floor.

"So, where is your suit anyway?" I ask him. I've never seen it before.

"It will be in the hall of villains. It has all the suits from previous villains in it," he replies. I nod and step out of the elevator.

I don't even know if it's on this floor.

"Hey, can I use my ability to see heat signatures like an x-ray vision of some sort?" I ask curiously.

"Yes, you do have the capability to do that," he replies.

I close my eyes and envision the whole floor.

If I know Cisco, he was sure to use lots of cool down lights in that room which should give off some degree of heat.

Sure enough, just down the hall is quite a large room with 23 down lights placed in rows. That must be it.

I run down the hall till I come across the room. I open the door and cautiously step inside, closing the door behind myself.

Sure enough, the room is filled with multiple suits and weapons.

I walk to the back of the room and in the dead centre stands Thawne's suit.

I walk up to it and start searching it till I come across a small bank card and a USB. I pocket both.

How on earth did Cisco not find this?

I start to leave the room when I hear footsteps behind me.

"How did you find this place?" Barry asks me. I whip around to face him.

"I was just taking a look around," I quickly explain. He nods but I can tell his focus is completely on the suit.

"This man has caused so much pain in my life," he whispers. And now he's in my head. I stay silent.

"Out of all the villains we've faced, he's the one that scares me the most," he says as he turns to face me.

"He killed my mum when I was ten years old because he thought if I experienced an experience traumatic enough, I'd never become the flash.

Then, he disguised himself as Harrison Wells when he figured out he was stuck here. He mentored me, he was my hero. And then jot only did he kill my mum but he came back and killed No... " he stops and wipes his eyes.

" Killed who? " I ask him quietly. There's a sudden gust of wind and all of a sudden we're standing in a long room with grey walls.

" Where are we?" I ask Barry curiously.

" We're still in S.T.A.R Labs, it's a secret room that we named the time vault. It used to hold a newspaper of me in the future but now, it holds this."

Barry turns to the wall and puts his hand against it. It opens up and reveals a suit consisting of a white and blue leather jacket and matching pants plus a mask.

" This was Nora's, my daughter from the future. She came back to visit me. She called herself XS," Barry says quietly and I see tears begin to form in his eyes.

"What happened to her?" I ask softly.

"Eobard Thawne killed her."

I hope you enjoyed that.

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Until next time. Byeeeee. ;)

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