Telling Barry

551 17 3

Disclaimer: I don't own The Flash or any of its characters. I only own my OC's. :)

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I slowly hop into the cortex with Cisco by my side.

"So Caitlin, why did you call me here?" I see Barry asking Caitlin, his back is to us.

"Raelynn has something she wants to tell you," she says before looking past Barry and right at Cisco and I. This causes Barry to quickly turn around and look at us.

His eyebrows furrow as his eyes go from my crutches to my heavily bandaged leg.

"What happened?" he asks, his voice filled with concern. I hop over to one of the wheely chairs and sit down.

"A couple of days ago I was attacked by the Reverse Flash, he stabbed his hand through my leg. He warned me to stay away from you guys and then did this," I start to explain to him. He looks at the others.

"A couple of days ago? Did you guys know about this?" he asks Caitlin and Cisco. They nod.

"We've known for four days. She was staying at my house for that time," Caitlin tells him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Barry asks.

"I asked them not to. I was scared you would try to go after him and running angry isn't good," I explain.

He sighs.

"I know, I know," he says.

"Anyway, I'm fine now. My leg will heal quickly," I reassure him. He nods.

"Oh, right, that reminds me. We're having dinner at Joe's place tonight to celebrate Wally coming back, you guys are free to come," Barry tells us.

"Sure, what time?" Cisco asks with a shrug.

"Around 6 or so. Caitlin are you coming?" Barry asks. She nods. Barry turns to me.

"Rae, you're welcomed to come with. Iris really wants to meet you," he says. I'm pretty sure Iris is his wife.

"I don't know. Isn't Joe the captain of CCPD?" I ask unsurely. I am still technically an escaped convict.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he won't arrest you or anything," Barry says, knowing what I was thinking. I shrug.

"Sure. Count me in," I say with a smile. This will be the first real dinner I've had in months.

"Where's the bathroom?" I ask. Caitlin gives me the directions and I grab my crutches before hopping down the hall.

(Third person p.o.v)

Team Flash watches as Raelynn hops down the hallway till she is out of sight.

"We need to set the satellites to be on the lookout for any traces of negative speed particles," Barry tells Cisco and Caitlin.

"Already on it. It hasn't picked up any traces so far but we'll know the moment it does," Cisco replies, typing into one of the computers.

"Good. I don't think we should tell Raelynn about this though, we don't want her to have any more stress than she already does," Barry suggests. The team nods in agreement.

(Raelynn p.o.v)

I'm at Caitlin's house practically ripping my room apart. It's twenty minutes till we have to leave for the West's house and I have nothing to wear. Nothing!

I let out a groan of frustration before flopping down on my bed. I hear a knock on the door and I sit up as Caitlin walks in.

"Hey, I realised you probably don't have anything to wear so I bought you some clothes," she says, holding up a shopping bag stuffed with clothes.

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