Gideon And Thawne's Plan

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Disclaimer: I don't own The Flash or any of its characters. I only own my OC's. :)

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I manage to use my speed to run back to Central City relatively fast.

I stop a block or so away from S.T.A.R Labs and start to walk the rest of the way there.

I head down the elevator and start to walk into the cortex when I hear Cisco, Caitlin and Barry talking.

"... It looks like he was stabbed by a speedster. It could be the Reverse Flash or a new speedster," Barry is saying.

I peak around the wall and look at the TV screen.

"He was 28 years old and worked at Mercury Labs. Why would the Reverse Flash kill him?" Caitlin asks.

I squint as I look at the TV screen before I manage to make out the face of the person.

I gasp quietly and quickly step away from the doorway, pushing up against the wall. He's the man from the dream I had last night. I will never forget his face.

I found blood on my arm this morning. Did I... did I really kill him?


With tears in my eyes, I run down the hall and up to the seemingly normal wall panel. I press my hand against it and it slides open.

I walk into the time vault, fiddling with the USB in my pocket. I carry it everywhere with me.

I take a deep breath before taking it out of my pocket and pushing it into the side of the podium.

For a second nothing happens before there is a whirring noise and a large, blue android head hologram shows up.

"Hello Raelynn, my name is Gideon. What do you need assistance with?" Gideon asks.

"Umm...Do you know who Eobard Thawne is?" I ask curiously.

"Of course. Eobard Thawne, also known as Dr. Harrison Wells and the Reverse Flash.

He travelled back in time from the future in order to kill Barry Allen also known as the Flash," Gideon answers, her robotic voice echoing unnaturally loud in the small room.

"What is his plan with me?" I ask cautiously.

"I'm the future you are the only person capable of stopping him. He inserted his consciousness into yours so that he could slowly take control of you. Eventually, he will be in full power and you will cease to exist."

My body goes cold and I freeze.

"Cease to exist? I'm going to die?" I ask, fresh tears forming in my eyes.

"Yes, unless you can extract his consciousness from yours, you will die," Gideon answers.

"How do I extract his consciousness from mine?" I ask quietly, wiping the tears from my face.

"I'm afraid the technology you need to do that hasn't been invented yet."

I take a deep breath. It's OK, I can find some other way to stop him. There has to be another way.

"I told you not to use that USB stick," Thawne suddenly growls in my head, causing me to shriek in fright.

"Is what Gideon said true?" I ask cautiously.

"Yes, everything Gideon said is true," he replies. I swallow hard.

"Did... did I kill that man last night?" I whisper.

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