Chapter 36: Legillimens

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Theo came running back into the room clutching the first aid kit. He handed me the alcohol. I knew I could mess with Tom so why not. I sat there staring down at him.

"What are you waiting for?" Tom asked.

"Oh do you need me to heal you?" I asked letting out a small laugh. For all the sh!t he's put me through recently he deserved to be taunted for a second.

"Yes" he looked at me incredulously.

"You don't know how to heal injuries this bad? I thought you were all-knowing?"

"I don't heal people I hurt them, so of course I don't know!" He looked up at me getting mad and I smiled and let out a small laugh. I held out the alcohol over the hole in his stomach.

"This is going to hurt like a b!tch." I said smiling down at him.

He smiled up at me, "try not to enjoy it too much." He let out a small laugh and clutched his stomach harder.

I moved his hand and poured the alcohol over the large gash. That was the first time I heard Tom Riddle scream.

"F*ck!! I'm going to kill them!!" He screamed as he balled his hands into fists.

I quickly began muttering the healing spells. It took me a lot longer than in the past to heal him completely. He was out of breath and so was I.

He let out a huge sigh. And relaxed, laying flat on the ground with his head still in my lap. "Thanks." He huffed.

"Least I can do since it would have been the other way around if you hadn't-" I stopped myself.

He smiled.

"Thanks." I said smiling down at him and rolling my eyes.

"Anytime darling." He smiled and let out a small laugh.

Theo sat down beside me and his eyes met mine. I expected jealousy, but he looked relieved.

"Can you stop putting yourself in danger please?" He said smiling at me.

"I second that," Tom added

"Nope." I said smiling and looking between them. Something tells me that this isn't even going to compare to what's coming.

I went to get up and they both grabbed an arm. "Where are you going?" Theo asked.

"Astronomy Tower," I said.

"Want me to come with?"

"Of course," I said and Theo stood up beside me and grabbing my hand. We looked down at Tom still laying on the ground.

He looked up at us, a twinkle of sadness in his eyes. "Did I earn my way back in to the friend-zone?" He asked sarcastically.

"Come on," I said rolling my eyes and he jumped up and grabbed my other hand.

We apparated to the tower.

I walked to the edge and sat down looking out at the grounds coated in a blanket of stars. They followed and sat on each side of me.

They each took my hand and I leaned my head on Theo's shoulder. "Do y'all ever wish you could freeze time?" I asked.

Theo looked down at me, "every moment I spend with you."

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