Chapter 23: Truth or Kiss

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When we got back to the common room I sat him on the couch and grabbed the first aid kit. I pulled out the alcohol and a rag.

"No!" He moved his hand away from me. Awe he thought it was going to hurt. "Can't you just spell it back? I mean you seem to know a spell for everything."

"Yes I can, but I need to clean it first. That way you don't get some kind of infection."

He shot me a death glare and gave me back his hand. I laughed and poured the alcohol on the rag.

"I thought you and Tom were all tough. Nothing could hurt y'all?"

"Well we didn't grow up easy as I'm sure you can guess, but Tom usually took the brunt of it."

"Why is that?"

"I don't know. I guess he's always had that protective instinct. We were raised by Bellatrix so there was never really a father figure. Actually, Tom kinda filled that roll. Whenever I screwed up or couldn't figure out a spell or something, he would pull Bella into another room. I would hear them screaming at each other, but I never thought that much about it till he started coming back with bruises.

It always made me feel guilty, but the spells came so easily to Tom. I would try, but sometimes it just wasn't enough." He paused and thought for a second. "Tom would kill me if he knew I told you this, so keep your mouth shut." He glared at me and I smiled.

For the first time, one of the Riddles had actually opened up to me. I didn't want him to overthink it or anything, so I went back to his hand. "On three okay?"


"One-" I put the rag on his hand before he could pull it away.

"Son of a bitch" he said and clenched his jaw.

I gave him puppy dog eyes and mocked him in a teasing tone, "awe are you okay?"

He gave me another death glare and I laughed. I moved the rag off of his hand and closed my eyes to begin muttering healing charms in my mind.

When I opened them his hand was completely healed.
He looked at it in awe for a second before looking back at me. "Thanks."

"No prob-"

I was cut off by a drunk Blaise storming through the door followed by Draco, pansy, Tom and Blake.

They all ran up and sat on the couch. I moved to sit between the Riddles. Blake locked eyes with me and sat across from us. The rest filed in around the couch.

Blaise whipped out a wine bottle he had finished. Good god he's going to be puking all night. He placed it on the table in the center. "Truth or Kiss!!"

Oh no. Not doing this. I learned my lesson last time.

My attempt at getting up was stopped by Theo as he put his arm around me, holding me down.

"Not so quick love. Stay it will be fun."

"That's what y'all said last time."

Tom leaned and whispered in my other ear, "and you did have fun last time."

I blushed and leaned back in the couch.

Blaise spun the bottle and it landed on Draco. "Truth duh."

"Is it true you have a crush on y/n?"

Aw f*ck really. Already. I quickly put my hands across the Riddles who were ready to pounce depending on his answer. Draco opened his mouth, a glint of fear in his eyes.

"Doesn't matter. I don't like ferrets." I interrupted. "Your turn to spin Draco." I added and his face eased and he let out a sigh and spun the bottle. I shot a look at Blaise who could barely sit up straight he was so far gone.

Draco spun the bottle and it landed on Blake. "Truth."

"Is it true you are only at Hogwarts for some mission for the Dark Lord?"

My eyes travelled between them. What the f*ck did he just say? My mind began to run. Had anyone said my last name in front of him? Was he here to find me? Is that why he's so obsessed with me? Did Voldemort know I was alive?

I guess Theo sensed my oncoming panic attack. He grabbed my hand in his and gave me a quizzical look. I faked a smile waiting to hear Blake's response.

"No. I have no intention of becoming a death eater like my parents." His eyes traveled between the Riddles. "No offense."

"So then why are you here?" Draco continued.

"I heard my parents talking about some child of a prophecy. I assume it's Harry, but whoever it is supposedly has the power to sway the coming war. I'm just here to see for myself who it is."

I felt my heart sink. He can't be talking about me right?

"And why do you need to know who it is?" Draco added.

"Let's just say I want to position myself on the right side of the war when it comes. I'm going to follow the power. Simple."

My mind wouldn't shut up. I did everything I could to hide that my heart was literally beating out of my chest. Theo pulled me closer, not really thinking too much about what Blake had said. I'm guessing he is just assuming it's Potter.

However, Tom looked like his mind was racing as well. He was the smart one. He was the one that would be able to put it all together. I can't let that happen.

Tonight he literally gave no second thought about kissing someone else, just because Diggory talked to me. What would he do if he knew what my destiny really was?

Blake spun the bottle and it landed on Pansy. The game continued for a while. I did everything in my power not to look Tom in the eye. I had put up wards in my head to keep him out.

It had gotten back to Blaise, he spun the bottle and it landed on me. "Truth"

"What's something you'd like to have two of on your bed?" He smirked at me, thinking he would make me speechless or something but I didn't hesitate.


I felt their heads jerk to me. Their smirks tearing into my soul. This was the perfect distraction. Theo leaned in and began to kiss my neck.

"That can be arranged" Tom said turning my face to look at him. He leaned in and his lips met mine. I reached out with both of my arms, pushing them off.

I couldn't help but smile. I stood up and looked at wrist (that didn't have a watch.) "Well it's getting late!"

Theo fake yawned and Tom laughed. In fact the entire group except for Blake was laughing.

We all got up and headed to our dorms. Well I didn't go to mine.


A/N- Don't forget to vote!! <3

~1170 words

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