Start from the beginning

If this is some dumbass food delivery from Mason and Isaac again, I'll skin them, he thought as he wrapped his fingers around the brass doorknob and pulled it open.

The cold, California air brushed against his naked chest as his mouth dropped in surprise. Rayne stood before him, shivering, and rubbing the side of her arm. Her eyes were puffy and red but bore to the ground – she didn't look up at him once. As he strained his eyes for a closer look, a red, small bump on her lip alarmed him. It looked like there was minimal dried blood stationed there to close the wound.

Without thinking, he reached over and grabbed her chin gently, pulling her face up, "Who did this?"

The slight anger he was feeling from her injury settled immediately as her golden eyes locked onto his. They looked puppy dog – ish. Terrified and lonely. They danced in sorrow; water pooling in the bottom of her eyelids reflected off the porch light. She pulled her lip between her teeth in an effort to quiet the shaky breath of air that escaped her lips.

"Rayne," he said quietly, "Are you okay?"

"Y... yes..." she stuttered almost silently.

"What happened?" he asked, still studying her, not removing his hand.

She turned away, disengaging his grip, "Nothing," she spoke suddenly loud, "I shouldn't have come here. I'm sorry for intruding, I – I don't know what I'm doing," her voice came out cracked and fast.

"What are you talking about?"

He couldn't contain his gasp as sobs broke out from her, closing the silent gaps between them. She reached her small hands up and covered her reddening face, turning back towards him. It dawned on him then that it didn't matter what had happened to her – all that mattered was that she needed help, she needed something, and obviously she needed it from him.

Rueben stepped out onto the porch and enveloped her into a semi – tight bear hug. Her small body equated shakes throughout himself as she sobbed. He could feel her pain with every one of them.

"C'mon," he said releasing his grip, and lowering his hand to hers.

He interlocked his fingers with hers and softly pulled on her, beckoning her inside. She did as he wanted, her sobs becoming quieter. Still, he asked no questions, just closed the door behind them. He wasted no time and still holding her hand, guiding her towards his bedroom.

Once inside, he motioned for her to sit on his bed, and she walked slowly in the direction of it. His eyebrows pulled together, what happened in the last hour to have her so upset?

Rueben gently shut the door, careful not to wake everyone else. He walked over to his closet and grabbed the first aid kit that lived on the top shelf. A light blue shirt hanging from a hanger was next on his agenda, and he pulled it off before shutting the door.

He pushed the shirt over his head and let it hang down his body as he walked to where Rayne was sitting quietly. She'd stopped crying but was once again lost in that dazed state she usually went into. Rueben kneeled before her, his head level with hers. She stared into her hands, sadness sucking the soul out of the room.

He ripped open a cleaning wipe with his fingers and pulled it out, tossing the wrapper on the floor beside them, "Let me see," he said gingerly, reaching his hand up and placing a finger under her chin. He pushed it up slightly to give him better access and found himself staring back into her eyes. They were dark and cloudy – like they were lost at sea.

She winced when he pushed the wipe to her lip, "Sorry," he said quickly, negating eye contact. He just looked at the lip he was cleaning up – he didn't want to make her uncomfortable with any unnecessary eye contact.

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